
[Agora Deposit] B 21:23: Disturbed grave/inhumation

Rodney S. Young ... RSY/JP Disturbed Geometric burial over "Sacrificial Pit VI" (Grave B 21:22). Grave IX in notebook. Bones discarded? Pottery found in the upper filling of a sixth century cremation pit, which had perhaps ... Middle Geometric II/Transitional to Late Geometric

[Agora Deposit] F-G 12:2: Road Fills

Area of early road and Geometric Cemetery: late, disturbed or uncertain levels. Includes Geometric/Proto Attic material thrown in the Turkish well at 35/Δ. Includes between road and bedrock in Β'. Four ... 5 May 1934 19-23 March 1935 2 April 1935


[Agora Deposit] F-G 12:3: Inhumation of a Woman

Grave 19 in notebook. Bones only AA 3. Length 2.15m; width 0.63m; depth 0.52m. Woman' skeleton with head at north. Cover slabs piled at foot of grave, probably by the diggers of Well J 18:8, who rifled ... Late Geometric

[Agora Deposit] G 11:8: Well 8

Well 8 (in Tholos), put out of use by a fall of the rock walls and replaced by well G 11:3. Scanty use filling at and near the bottom, separated by a mass of fallen rock from a debris filling in the upper ... Ca. 550-500 B.C. and 480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:1: Urn-burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 1 in notebook. Slightly disturbed by the digging of Pit A. A large oil jar/amphora lay on its side with a flat stone stopping its mouth. The three small vases offered at the burial were found, together ... Ca. 600 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:7: Inhumation of a Man

Grave 7 in notebook. Area disturbed in Roman times; outlines of the shaft had been obliterated. The northwest end, however, was preserved in a cutting in the rock of the sloping hillside. This cutting, ... 750-700 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:24: Inhumation with Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Grave 20 in notebook. Objects recorded in nb. from Grave 21 (earlier and disturbed by Grave 20) are included here. A pyre [using pieces of pots from Grave 21] was probably burned beside grave 20 and some ... Late Geometric

[Agora Deposit] H 12:8: Strosis

A strosis into which were set the foundations of house of 7th c. B.C. to SE of Tholos (=Building A and Trench W, layers h + i) ... 8th-7th c. B.C.