Agora 24, s. 24, p. xxiTravlos and Frantz, St. Dionysios; J. Travlos and A. Frantz, The Church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite and the Palace the Archbishop of Athens in the 16th Century, Hesperia 34, 1965, pp. 157-202
Wachmuth; C Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen im Altertum I, Leipzig 1874; II, i, 1890
Ward-Perkins, Architecture; J.B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Imperial Architecture, Penguin Books 1981
Wilson, Piazza Armerina; R.J.A. Wilson, Piazza Armerina, Austin 1983
Young Industrial District; R.S. Young, An Industrial District of Ancient Athens, Hesperia 20, 1951, pp. 135-288
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Abbreviations of Periodicals
AA; Archäologischer Anzeiger
AAA; Ἀρχαιολογικά Ἀνάλεκτα ἐξ´Ἀθηνῶν
AJA; American Journal of Archaeology
AJP; American Journal of Philology
AM; Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung
Annuario; Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene
Ἀρχ Ἐφ; Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς
BCH; Bulletin de correspondence hellénique
BSA; Annual of the British School at Athens
BZ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift
CP; Classical Philology
CRAI; Comptes rendus de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres
Δελτ; Ἀρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον
DOP; Dumbarton Oaks Papers
GRBS; Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
JdI; Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts
JHS; Journal of Hellenic Studies
JRS; Journal of Roman Studies
MonPiot; Monuments et mémoires publiés par l'académie des inscriptions et belles lettres (Fondation Piot)
ÖJh; Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Instituts
OpusRom; Opuscula Romana
Πρακτικά; Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ὲταιρείας
Proc.Phil.Soc.; Proceedings of the American Philological Society
REG; Revue des études grecques
RM; Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung
SymbOsl; Symbolae Osloenses
ZPE; Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Agora 20, s. 39, p. 25G. Sotiriou, Ἀραβικά Λείψανα ἐν Ἀθήναις κατά τούς Βυζαντινούς Χρόνους, Πρακτικά τῆς Ἀκαδημίας Ἀθηνῶν, IV, 1929, pp. 266ff.
G. Sotiriou, Ἀραβικαί Διακοσμήσεις εἰς τά Μνημεῖα τῆς Ἐλλάδος, B.N.J., 1935, pp. 233-269
Kenneth M. Setton, On the Raids of the Moslems in the Aegean in the Ninth and Tenth centuries, A.J.A., LVIII, 1954, pp. 311-319
George C. Miles, Byzantium and the Arabs: Relations in Crete and the Aegean Area, D.O.P., XVIII, 1964, pp. 3-32
George C. Miles, the Arab Mosque in Athens, Hesperia 25, 1956, pp. 329-344
Megaw, Chronology, pp. 106-107
Megaw, Chronology, pp. 105-106
Stikas, H.L., p. 117, fig. 47
ΔΧΑΕ, Per. 4, V, 1969, pp. 149-174
Agora 14, s. 245, p. 220The Athenian Agora; Volume 014; The Agora of Athens; The History; Shape and Uses of an Ancient City Centre; Excavations
J. Travlos, Hesperia, Supplement VIII, pp. 382-384
Γενική Συνέλευσις τῶν Μελῶν τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικής Ἐταιρίας, 1860, pp. 8-14
Γενική Συνέλευσις τῶν Μελῶν τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικής Ἐταιρίας, 1861, pp. 14-18
Γενική Συνέλευσις τῶν Μελῶν τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικής Ἐταιρίας, 1862, pp. 7-10
P. Pervanoglu, Φιλίστωρ, pp. 264ff.
Arch. Anz., 1861, cols. 169-171
Arch. Anz., 1863, cols. 91f.
Bull. dell' inst., 1862, pp. 120f.
Πρακτικά, 1898, pp. 65-68
Πρακτικά, 1899, pp. 70-75
Πρακτικά, 1900, pp. 31-35
Πρακτικά, 1901, pp. 31f.
Πρακτικά, 1902, p. 46
Judeich, ², pp. 354-356
Athenaus, V, 212F
B.D.Merrit, Hesperia, 26, 1957, pp. 83-88
F. Adler, Die Stoa des Königs Attalos, Berlin Winckelmannsprogramm, 1874
R. Bohn, Die Stoa des Königs Attalos des Zweiten zu Athen, Berlin, 1882
F. Adler, Arch. Zeit., XXXII, 1875, pp. 121-125
Judeich, Topographie², pp. 201, 354f.
Vienna Anonymous (1456-1458) apud Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen, I, p. 732
Bernard Ashmole, Proceedings of the British Academy, XLV, 1957, pp. 40f.
E.W. Bodnar, S.J., Cyriacus of Ancona and Athens (Collection Latomus, XLIII), Brussels, 1960, pp. 83, note 5, 84, 109, note 1-
Agora 24, s. 119, p. 95The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; The Palace of Giants
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; The Palace of Giants; Exploration and Identification
C. Van Essen, BCH 50, 1926, pp. 210-212
Judeich², pp. 230-231
Thompson, Odeion, pp. 137-139
B. Ashmole, Proceedings of the British Academy 45, 1959, pp. 40-41, pls. XIV-XVI
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Πρακτικά 1870-1871, pp. 12, 33 and 1895, p. 19
AM 21, 1896, p. 109
Πρακτικά 1912, pp. 91-92
Van Essen, pp. 183-212
Judeich², p. 330
Agora 15, s. 11, p. xiMeier, M.H.E., Commentario Epigraphica, Halle, 1852
Meisterhans, K., Grammatik der attischen Inschriften, third edition, revised by Eduard Schwyzer, Berlin, 1900
Meritt, Benjamin Dean, The Athenian Calendar in the Fifth Century, Cambridge, Mass., 1928
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Meritt, Benjamin Dean, The Athenian Year, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1961 (Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. 32)
Meritt, Benjamin Dean, The Chronology of the Peloponnesian War, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, CXV, 1971, pp. 97-124
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N.P.A.; J. Sundwall, Nachträge zur Prosopographia Attica, Helsingfors, 1910 (Överigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlinger, LII, B 1
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The Numismatic Chronicle
O.G.I.S.; Orientis Graecae Inscriptiones Selectae, Leipzig, 1903, edited by Wilhelm Dittenberger
Oliver, James H., The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law, Baltimore, 1950
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P.A.; johannes Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica, 2 vols., Berlin, 1901-1903
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Πολέμων, Ἀρχαιολογικόν Περιοδικόν
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R.E.G.; Revue des Études Grecques
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Raubitschek, Antony E., Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, Cambridge, Mass., 1949
Reinmuth, O.W., The Ephebic Inscriptions of the Fourth Century B.C., Leiden, 1971
Rev. Arch.; Revue Archéologique
Robert, Louis, Collection Froehner, I: Inscriptions Grecques, Paris, 1936
Ruck, Carl A.P., The List of the Victors in Comedies at the Dionysia, Leiden, 1967
S.E.G.; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
Sarikakis, Theodore Chr., The Hoplite General in Athens (Diss. Princeton), 1951
Sits. Akad. Berlin; Sitzungsberichte der preuɓischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse
Spon, Jacob, Voyage; Voyage d' Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grèce et du Levant fait aux années 1675 et 1676 par Jacob Son...et George Wheler, 3 vols., Lyon, 1678
Sundwall, J., Nachträge zur Prosopographia Attica, Helsingfors, 1910 (Översigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlinger, LII, B 1)
T.A.P.A.; Transactions of the American Philological Association
Agora 17, s. 10, p. xI.G., I; Inscriptiones Graecae, I, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno vetustiores, ed. A. Kirchhoff, Berlin, 1873-1891
I.G., I²; Inscriptiones Graecae, I, editio minor, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores, ed. F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Berlin, 1924
I.G., II; Inscriptiones Graecae, II, Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora, ed. U. Koehler, Berlin, 1877-1893
I.G., II²; Inscriptiones Graecae, II-III, editio minor, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, ed. J. Kirchner, Berlin, 1913-1940
I.G., III; Inscriptiones Graecae, III, Inscriptiones Atticae Aetatis Romanae, ed. W. Dittenberger, Berlin, 1878-1882
J.H.S.; journal of Hellenic Studies
Jahrb. f. cl. Phil; Jahrbücher für classische Philologie
Jeffery, L.S.A.G.; L.H. Jeffery, The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, Oxford, 1961
Kadmos; Kadmos, Zeitschrift für vor-und frühgriechische Epigraphik
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Lademann, De tit. Att. quaest. orthogr. et gramm.; W. Lademann, De titulis Atticis quaestiones orthographicae et grammaticae, Basel, 1915
Latomus; Latomus, Revue d' études latines
Meiggs and Lewis, G.H.I.; R. Meiggs and D.M. Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C., Oxford, 1969
Meisterhans-Schwyzer³; K. Meisterhans, Grammatik der Attischen Inschriften, dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage besorgt von E. Schwyzer, Berlin, 1900
Meritt, Inscript. from the Ath. Agora; Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora, Excavations of the Athenian Agora, Picture Book no. 10, Princeton, 1966
Mitsos, Ἀργ. Προσ; M.T. Mitsos, Ἀργολική Προσωπογραφία, Athens, 1952
Mnemosyne; Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Möbius Ornamente; H. Möbius, Die Ornamente der griechischen Grabstelen klassischer und nachklassischer Zeit, Berlin, 1929
Muehsam, A., Attic Grave Reliefs from the Roman Period, Berytus, X, 1952-1953, pp. 51-114
P.A.; J. Kirchner, Prosographia Attica, 2 v., Berlin, 1901-1903
Pape-Benseler; W. Pape, Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, dritte Auflage, neu bearbeitet von G.E. Benseler, Braunschweig, 1863-1870
Peek, A.G., I; Attische Grabschriften, I, eine Nachlese zum letzten Band der Inscriptiones Graecae II/III², Abhandlungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur, und Kunst, Jahrgang 1953, no. 4, Berlin, 1954
Peek, A.G., II; Attische Grabschriften, II, unedierte Grabinschriften aus Athen und Attika, Abhandlungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur, und Kunst, Jahrgang 1956, no. 3, Berlin, 1957
Peek, G.G., W. Peek, Griechische Grabgedichte, Berlin, 1960
Peek, G.V.I; W. Peek, Griechische Vers-Inschriften , I, Grab-Epigramme, Berlin, 1955
Peek, Kerameikos, III; W. Peek, Kerameikos, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, III, Inschriften, Ostraka, Fluchtafeln, Berlin, 1941
Pfohl, Gesch. u. Epigramm; G. Pfohl, Geschichte und Epigramm, ein kleines Quellenlesebuch griechischer Inschriften zum Studium der Geschichte und der Literatur, Beilage zu Der altsprachliche Unterricht, VIII, 2 (Arbeitshilfen, griechisch, VIII), Stuttgart [1964]
Pfohl, Greek Poems on Stone; G. Pfohl, Greek Poems on Stone, I, Epitaphs from Seventh to the Fifth Centuries B.C., Texts Minores, XXXVI, Leiden, 1967
Pittakys, L' and. Ath.; K.S. Pittakys, L' ancienne Athénes ou la description des antiquités d' Athènes et de ses environs, Athens, 1835
Πρακτικά; Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ὲταιρείας
Agora 12.2, s. 89, p. 462Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XII, Public and Domestic Architecture, pls. 186-187, 191, 218-219, pl. 191, 2, pl. 219, 2
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1898 (1901), p. 18, fig. 17
Persepolis: University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, II, E.F. Schmidt, Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries, Chicago, 1957, Frontispiece and pl. 70 c
Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XIII, Vases found in 1934 and 1938, pl. 4, P 3, pl. 82, 510A, pl. 82 and 191, 521, pl. 136, 216, pl. 137, 217-218, 219, pl. 138, 231, pl. 138-139, pl. 138, 225-226, pl. 148-149, pl. 168, pl. 170-171, pl. 172, 460 A, pl. 173, 456, pl. 173-177, pl. 174, 461 A, B, pl. 175, 476, pl. 176, 465, pl. 178-179, 477-87, pl. 183, 493-395, pl. 183 and 185, 497, pl. 183, 502, pl. 183 and 191, 503, pl. 184 and 185, 497, pl. 184 and 187, 498, pl. 184, 500, pl. 185, 510, pl. 186-188, 501, pl. 186, 519, pl. 188, 510-511, pl. 189, 517, pl. 189 and 191, 518, pl. 189-192, 522, pl. 190 and 191, 520, pl. 190 and 191, 521 A, pl. 190 and 191, 521 B, pl. 190 and 192, 522 A, B, B 119, pl. 194, pl. 195, 466, pl. 196-202, 559-567 and 575-590, pl. 198, pl. 200-202, pl. 203, pl. 204-211, pl. 220, 772, pl. 224, 779 and 784, pl. 239, pl. 244-245, pl. 246, 1021-1022, pl. 247, 1023-1024, pl. 249, 1026, pl. 249, 1027, pl. 249, 1028-1029 and 1034, pl. 250, 1030, pl. 252 and 265, 1119, pl. 253, 1047-1049, 1053, pl. 263-266
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1903 (1906), p. 32, figs. 35 a-b
Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, Munich, 1923, fig. 209, 611, 770, 777
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1909-1910 (1913), p. 131, figs. 198 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1912 (1916), p. 43, fig. 59 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1913-1915 (1918), p. 29, figs. 23-24, p. 44, figs. 65-66
Philippaki, B., The Attic Stamnos, Oxford, 1967, pl. 8
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXIV, 1953, pp. 2-3, figs. 1-2 and pl. I, 2
Philologische Wochenschrift, Leipsic, 1882-1940
Philologus, Leipsic, LXXII, 1913, pp. 546-548
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXVIII, 1957, p. 56, fig. 16 and pl. V, 2
Packard-Cambridge, A.W., Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed., revised by T.B.L., Webster, Oxford, 1962
Pagenstecher, R., Expedition Sieglinden, II, iii: Die griechischen-ägyptische Sammlung Ernst von Sieglinden, Leipsic, 1913, p. 21, fig. 28, p. 139, fig. 144c and 144d
Pottier, E., Vases antiques du Louvre, Paris, 1897-1922, pl. 68, F 66, pl. 132, G 247
Papers of the British School at Rome, London, XXVI, 1958, pl. 3 c
Powell, J.U., and Barber, E.A., New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, iii, Oxford, 1933, fig. 5 (between pp. 104 and 105)
Payne, H.G.G., Necrocorinthia, Oxford, 1931, p. 33, fig. 10 D, p. 308, figs. 144-146, 913-915, pl. 13, 1
Powell, T.G., The Celts, New York, 1958, figs. 16-17
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1956, pl. 80 β, pl. 83
Pellegrini, G., Catalogo dei vasi greci dipinti delle necropoli felsinee, Bologna, 1912, p. 22, fig. 10, 58, p. 37, fig. 21, 117, p. 53, fig. 32, 159, p. 164, fig. 95, 327, p. 225, fig. 142, 575, p. 228, fig. 147, 629, p. 229, fig. 148, 649
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1961, pls. 124-125
Quagliati, Q., Il Museo Nazionale di Taranto, Rome, 1932, pl. 69, at left
Pennsylvania University Museum Exhibit from Private Collections, August 24-29, 1964, no. 56, no. 69
Raubitschek, A.E., Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, Cambridge, Mass., 1949, p. 371, p. 371, 337, p. 371, 363-370
Perachora, The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, 1930-1933, II, T.J. Dunbabin, and others, Oxford, 1962, pls. 124-125, pls. 126-128, pls. 128, 3329, pl. 129, 3903-3905, pl. 151, 3862
Revue archéologique, Paris, XXIII, 1914, pl. IX
Revue archéologique, Paris, IV, 1916, p. 151, fig. 3
Pernice, E., Die Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, Berlin, 1932, pls. 24-35
Revue archéologique de l' Est et du Centre-Est, Dijon, from 1950
Agora 24, s. 22, p. xixThe Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Bibliography and Abbreviations
Agora 1, Evelyn Harrison, Portrait Sculpture, 1953
Agora 2, Margaret Thompson, Coins from the Roman through the Venetian Period, 1954
Agora 3, R.E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, 1957
Agora 5, Henry S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology, 1959
Agora 6, Claireve Grandjouan, Terracottas and Plastic Lamps of the Roman Period, 1961
Agora 7, Judith Perlzweig, Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Century after Christ, 1961
Agora 14, Homer A. Thompson and R.E. Wycherley, The Agora of Athens, 1972
Agora 15, Benjamin D. Meritt and John S. Trail, Inscriptions: the Athenian Councillors, 1974
Agora 20, Alison Frantz, The Church of Holy Apostles, 1971
Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1, 1932
Hesperia, Supplement IV, The Tholos of Athens and its Predecessors, by Homer A. Thompson, Baltimore, 1940
Hesperia, Supplement VIII, Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear, Princeton, 1949
Hesperia, Supplement XII, The Athenian Constitution after Sulla, Daniel J. Geagan, Princeton 1967
The Athenian Agora, a Guide to the Excavation and Museum, 3rd edition, 1976
Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, P. Σύνταγμα τῶν Παλαιοχριστιανικῶν Ψηφιδοτῶν τῆ Ὲλλάδος, ΙΙ, Πελοπόννεσος-Στερεά Ὲλλάδα, Thessalonica 1987
Cambridge Ancient History
Alan Cameron, PCPS; Alan Cameron, The Last Days of the Academy at Athens, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, n.s. 15, 1969, pp. 7-29
Cameron, Averil, Agathias, Oxford, 1970
Cameron, Averil, Agathias and Sassanians, DOP 23/24, 1969/1970, pp. 67-183
Charanis, Observations; P. Charanis, Observations on the History of Greece in the Early Middle Ages, Balkan Studies 11, 1970, pp. 1-34
Charanis, Significance; P. Charanis, The Significance of Coins as Evidence for the History of Athens and Corinth in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries, Historia 4, 1955, pp. 163-172
CIL; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, B.G. Niebuhr, ed., Bonn 1828-1897
J. Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination, New York, 1942
Dunbabin, Mosaics; K.M.D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Oxford 1978
EAA; Enciclopedia dell'arte antica, classica e orientale, Rome, 1958-
EMME I; Ἐυρετήριον τῶν Μεσαιωνικῶν Μνημείων τῆς Ὲλλάδος, Athens, 1927-1929
Frantz, DOP, A. Frantz, From Paganism to Christianity in the Temples of Athens, DOP 19, 1965, pp. 187-205
Frantz, Julian, A. Frantz, Did Julian the Apostate Rebuild the Parthenon, AJA 83, 1979, pp. 395-401
Γενική συνέλευσι; Γενική Συνέλευσις τῶν μελῶν τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ὲταιρίας
Glucker, Antiochus; J. Glucker Antiochus and the Late Academy, Hypomnemata 56, 1978
Graindor, Archontes; P. Graindor, Chronologie des archontes athéniens sous l' empire, Brussels 1922
Gregorovius, Ferdinand, Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter, Stuttgart 1889; also published as Ὶστορία τῆς πόλεως Ἀθηνῶν κατά τούς μέσους αἰῶνας, translated from the German and revised by S. Lambros, Athens 1904