[Agora Deposit] G 15:4: Pit

Coins: 20 February 1932 #1-#2 ... 4th c., with Roman intrusion

[Agora Deposit] F 14:2: Closed Deposit

Small compact deposit. Cutting. High proportion of good black glaze; 21 loom weights (19 pyramidal, 2 lentoid); a very large red-figured skyphos somewhat recalls the style of earlier work of the Dinos ... Ca. 430-420 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H 6:4: Bronze Head Well

A well behind the Stoa of Zeus. Noted as the finding place of the bronze head of Nike, B 30. Two Rhodian stamped amphora handles. Fragments of only two bowls ... 260-210 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 16:1: Demeter Cistern

Cistern at 9/Β (10/Β on plan), at the NW foot of the Areopagus, some 200m to the west of the Coroplast's Dump. It had evidently belonged to one of the small houses in that thickly populated residential ... Second half 4th c. B.C.