B 13:3Drawshaft1-8 June 1937Late 3rd. c. 
B 13:4Cistern and Draw Shaft3 April -1 June 1936Ca. 320-340 A.D. 
B 13:5Well1 June 1936 19-27 April 1937Ca. 425-400 B.C. 
B 13:6Well17 April-5 June 1936Ca. 425-400 B.C. 
B 13:7Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios20 May 1936-20 May 19373rd. c. B.C.-3rd. c. A.D. 
B 13:7.1Dump 3rd. c. A.D. 
B 13:7.2Well deposit 2nd. c. A.D. 
B 13:7.3Dump 1st. c. A.D. 
B 13:7.4Dump 2nd.-1st. c. B.C. 
B 13:7.5Bottom fill 3rd. c. B.C. 
B 13:8Well South of Kolonos Agoraios4 June 1936 March-May 1937Ca. 325-260 B.C. 
B 13:8.1Dump Ca. 250-225 B.C. 
B 13:8.2POU Well Deposit Ca. 325-260 B.C. 
B 14:1Well29 May 1936 30 March-15 May 19371st.-3rd. c. A.D. 
B 14:1.1Dump 5th. c. 
B 14:1.2Upper well deposit 3rd. c. 
B 14:1.3Lower well deposit 2nd. c. 
B 14:2Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios12 June 1936 23 April 19371st.-4th c. A.D. 
B 14:2.1Dumped fill 4th. c. A.D. 
B 14:2.2POU to bottom Late 1st.-late 2nd. c. A.D. 
B 14:3Cistern on Lower South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios9-12 June 193750-100 A.D. 
B 14:4Well21 May 1936 16-21 May 1937Ca. A.D. 300-370 and Ca. A.D. 400 
B 14:5Pit27 May 1936 23-29 April 1937First quarter 6th. c. B.C. 
B 14:6Cistern in ΠΘ27 May 1936 9-13 April 1937Ca. 300-140 
B 15:1Well on Lower South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios21 May 1936 18 May-4 June 1937425-400 B.C. 
B 15:1.1Upper fill21 May 19363rd. to mid-2nd. c. B.C. 
B 15:1.2Lower fill18 May-4 June 1937425-400 B.C. 
B 15:2Catch Basin in ΠΠ7 April 1948375-325 B.C. 
B 15:3Catch Basin in Building P, Room 726 April 19483rd. c. A.D. to pre-Herulian 
B 15:4Well5 April 1948 15-26 April 1948Late Roman 
B 15:5Strosis9 May 1956  
B 15:6Pithos25 May 1956  
B 17:1Strosis8-11 August 1947 17-22 March 1948 4 May 1949 26 March 1956 2 April 1956Mid 3rd c. A.D. 
B 17:4Pyre in Room 113 April 1949350-330 B.C. 
B 17:5Pyre in Room 220 April 1949315-300 B.C. 
B 18:1Pyre16 March 1948350-300 B.C. 
B 18:2Pyre in House C, Room 1213 March 1948Ca. 250 B.C. 
B 18:3Pyre26 April 1948375-350 B.C. 
B 18:4Pyre14 April 1948400-375 B.C.(?) 
B 18:5Pyre8 April 1948Ca. 420-410 B.C.