[Corinth Report] South Stoa 2016 by Alexandra Daly and Thalia Parr (2016-05-04 to 2016-05-20): Final Report: Excavations of South Stoa, Shop 1 Rear, Session 2 2016

Final Report: Excavations of South Stoa, Shop 1 Rear, Session 2 2016 Alexandra Daly and Thalia Parr DATES OF EXCAVATION: May 4-20 2016 COORDINATES: N: N 1090.40; E: E 353.95; S: N 1084.70; W: E 349.60 ... Final Report: Excavations of South Stoa, Shop 1 Rear, Session 2 2016

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Ross Brendle and Justin Holcomb (2014-06-02 to 2014-06-27): Room F/5 and South Hall in Unit 2, Session 3

Session III Temple E Southeast 2-27 June 2014 This is the final summary of the third and final session of excavations for the 2014 season in the north area of Unit 2 in the Frankish quarter, Temple E ... Room F/5 and South Hall in Unit 2, Session 3

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2009 by Stella Diakou and Jody Cundy (2009-05-19 to 2009-05-20): Nezi Session II 2009

Introduction We, Stella Diakou and Jody Cundy, from April 27 to May 15, continued excavation in the west area of the Nezi field. The corners of our excavation area are as follows: NW corner: 1015N, 255.5E, ... its diameter of 2m seems

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Sitz, Anna and Katz, Philip (2015-06-02 to 2015-06-26): Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century and earlier cistern; Unit 2, Room 6: Frankish burials and 13th century surfaces

Session III Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S: 1079.10, E: 132.85, W: 126.83 Unit 2, Room 6 N: 1085.00, S: 1077.00, E: 120.70, W: 116.85 This is the final summary of the third excavation session for 2015 in ... Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century ... 2, Room 6: Frankish