[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham (2014-04-06 to 2014-04-25): Unit II, Room 6 and Room 8, Session I

Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham Session I Temple E Southeast Excavations N: 1087 N, S: 1075.25 N, E: 129 E, W: 116.5 E 6–25 April 2014 Introduction This is the final summary of the first session of excavation ... Temple E, Southeast, context 157

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Wesley Bennett, Lucas Stephens (2015-05-04 to 2015-05-22): 2015 Session II, Corridor N of Church and Room 6

Wesley Bennett and Lucas Stephens Session II Temple E Southeast Excavations Corridor North of Church: 1075-1078.5 N, 121.5-129.5 E Room 6: 1077-1085 N, 116.85-120.7 E 04-22.05.2015 This is the summary ... Wall 157, which forms the ... 2015-76 – context 662, 2015-77

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Ross Brendle and Justin Holcomb (2014-06-02 to 2014-06-27): Room F/5 and South Hall in Unit 2, Session 3

Session III Temple E Southeast 2-27 June 2014 This is the final summary of the third and final session of excavations for the 2014 season in the north area of Unit 2 in the Frankish quarter, Temple E ... 1991 (NB828 pp. 157 ... 526 [N1066.76, S1063.10,