
[Corinth Object] MF 856: GLASS BEAD

Museum, Workroom, drawer 267


[Corinth Object] L 856: LAMP BRONEER TYPE XVI

Wheel-made lamp with curving sides; concave top surrounded by a high edge; raised base, unturned. Mottled light and dark brown glaze. Buff clay. Missing parts. Handle is missing ... L 856 ... 856

[Corinth Object] KV 856: MINIATURE KANOUN

Potters' Quarter ... KV 856 ... 856

[Corinth Object] KP 856: "BUTTERDISH" PYXIS

Rounded lip, vertical sides, flanged base, flat foot Black painted applied at top of rim and flanged base, red and black painted onto circumf line around body buff clay Complete profile. Preserved: portion ... KP 856 ... 856


[Corinth Object] C 1933 856: BYZANTINE

Fragment ... 1933/05/27 ... Museum Basement, drawer 269


[Corinth Object] C 1934 856: INCISED SGRAFFITO PLATE

Plate with straight, flaring upper body and rounded lip. White slip on all vessel. Incised male figure (warrior?) wearing incised doublet and fustanella, surrounded by incised floral spike. Greenish yellow ... Late 12th - 1st half 13th century ... Museum Basement, drawer 363