The Mycenaean Period; The Mycenaean Cemetery
A.J.A., IX, 1894, p. 113
Kraiker-Kübler, Kerameikos, I, p. 89, pl. 62, inv. 534
Kraiker-Kübler, Kerameikos, I, p. 109, pl. 38
Arch. Anz., 1931, col. 213
A.J.A., XXXVI, 1932, p. 64
Hill, And. C. Athens. p. 10
Hesperia, 4, 1935, pp. 318-320
Hesperia, 5, 1936, pp. 21-23
Hesperia, 9, 1940, pp. 274-291
Hesperia, 17, 1948, pp. 154-158
Hesperia, 35, 1966, pp. 45
Hesperia, 35, 1966, pp. 55-78
Hesperia, 35, 1966, p. 55
The Early Third Century
Graindor, Cosmétes, no. 20
Graindor, Cosmétes, no. 21
Graindor, Cosmétes, no. 14
J. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 40
Graindor, Cosmétes, p. 351
L'Orange, Studien, p. 10
Rodenwaldt, Jahrb., LI, 1936, pls. 3-6
E. H. Swift, Roman Sources of Christian Art, pp. 161-194
Askew, A.J.A., XXXV, 1931, pp. 442-7
Arch. Anz., 1930, col. 105, fig. 6
G. M. A. Richter, "Who Made the Roman Portrait Statues?", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XCV, 1951, pp. 184-191
Richter, Three Critical Periods, pp. 53-64
J. M. C. Toynbee, Collection Latomus, VI, pp. 17-33
Michalowski, B.C.H., LXX, 1946, p. 386
Rodenwaldt, Arch. Anz., 1931, cols. 319ff.
L'Orange, Studien, pp. 3f.
Kaschnitz-Weinberg, Röm. Mitt., XLI, 1926, p. 211
Richter, Three Critical Periods, p. 60
Vessberg, p. 174
Hesperia, 8, 1939, p. 207
Hesperia, 12, 1943, pp. 237ff.
Hesperia, 18, 1949, pp. 134-136
Hesperia, 20, 1951, p. 56
Hesperia, 21, 1952, pp. 86, 97
Hesperia, 28, 1959, pp. 93-95
Hesperia, 29, 1960, pp. 328ff., 336
Hesperia, 35, 1966, pp. 45-46
Agora, 003, p. 224
Travlos, Π.Ε.Α., pp. 38ff., 66, 70
Arch. Anz., 1961, cols. 224-231
Guide², pp. 74-76
D. Ohly, Arch. Anz., 1965, cols. 286ff.
Hesperia, 6, 1937, pp. 4-5
Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 106
Hesperia, 19, 1950, pp. 322, 326
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Hesperia, 28, 1959, p. 297
Hesperia, 37, 1968, p. 128
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Hesperia, 20, 1951, pp. 164, 166
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Hesperia, 19, 1949, p. 213
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Fragmentary Portrait of a Woman
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25 July 1931
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