Agora 3, s. 56, p. 46Athenaeus, V, 212e, f
I.G. II (2), 1043, lines 68-69
Agora I 5990, lines 6-10
Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 324
I.G. II (2), 3171 and Agora I 6135
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 29, no. 13
Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 25
I.G. II (2), 3781
Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 318
Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 83-88, no. 31
Cicero, De Finibus, V, 2, (4)
 2nd A.D.
38-37 B.C.
74-63 B.C.
159-138 B.C.
Agora 14, s. 76, p. 51Aristeides, 7, 4
A.E. Raubitschek, The Gates in the Agora, A.J.A., LX, 1956, pp. 279-282
Aristophanes, Knights, 855-857
J. Carcopino, L' Ostracisme Athénien 2, Paris, 1955
Hignett, Athenian Constitution, pp. 159-166
E. Vanderpool, Ostracism at Athens, Lectures in memory of Louise Taft Temple, 2nd Series, University of Cincinnati, 1970
G.R. Scranton, J.H.S., XC, 1970, pp. 180-183
R. Meiggs and D. Lewis, Greek Historical Inscriptions, Oxford, 1969, pp. 40-47
Guide², pp. 169ff.
Picture Book, 4, nos. 27, 28
F. Willemsen, Ath. Mitt., LXXX, 1965, pp. 100-126
Δελτ., XXIII, 1968, Χρονικά, pp. 24-32
S.E.G., XXIV, 1969, no. 74, pp. 29f.
A.J.A., LXXI, 1967, p. 295
Hesperia, 37, 1968, pp. 117-120
Hesperia, 40, 1971, p. 279
Athenaeus, V, 212, e-f
McDonald, Meeting Places, pp. 60-61
Hesperia, 7, 1938, p. 324
Guide², p. 79
Agora 14, s. 263, p. 238Aristophanes, Knights, 181; 410, 499; 640ff., 675; 885ff., 979, 1311ff.
Chamaileon (of Heracleia Pontica), in Athenaeus IX, 407, b-c
Cicero, De Natura Deorum, I, 30 (83)
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, 634, 678f.
Cicero, De Natura Deorum, III, 19 (50)
Aristophanes, Peace, 1019f., 1183
Clement (of Alexandria), Protrepticus, III, 45
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, 395, 657f.
Clement (of Alexandria), Stromateis, IV, 19, 21
Aristophanes, Wasps, 92f., 387ff., 875, 1108f.
Cornelius Nepos, Chabrias, I, 2-3
Aristophanes, Scholia, Frogs, 320, 369, 399
Deinarhos, I, 43, 66, 101
Aristophanes, Scholia, Knights, 410
Aristophanes, Scholia, Plutus, 385
Deinarhos, II, 19
Aristotle, Ath. Pol., 3, 5; 7, 1; 7, 3-4; 18, 3; 38, 1; 43, 1; 44, 1; 53, 4; 55, 5; 56, 6; 57, 58,1; 62, 1; 63-66; 68-69
Demosthenes, III, 25
Demosthenes, XVIII, 129, 141, 169, 196
Demosthenes, XIX, 122, 129, 225, 249, 314
Demosthenes, XX, 70, 94, 112, 158
Demosthenes, XXI, 52, 103
Demosthenes, XXII, 77
Aristotle, Historia Animalium, VIII, 12
Demosthenes, XXIII, 76, 196
Aristotle, Politics, VII, 11, 2
Aristotle, Rhetoric, I, 9, 38
Demosthenes, XXIV, 23, 60
Arrian, Anabasis, III, 16, 8
Demosthenes, XXX, 32
Demosthenes, XLV, 17
Arrian, Periplous, 9
Demosthenes, LIV, 7-8, 26
Athenaeus, IV, 167f.
Ps. Demosthenes, VII, 33
Athenaeus, V, 212, e-f
Athenaeus, IX, 407, b-c
Ps. Demosthenes, XXV, 23
Ps. Demosthenes, XXVI, 23
Augustine, De Civitate Dei, XVIII, 12
Ps. Demosthenes, LIX, 39, 52
Agora 12.2, s. 50, p. 423The Athenian Agora; Volume 12; Black and Plain Pottery; Part 2; Index II; Ancient Authors
Alexis, 176 K (Athen. XI 483e)
Athenaeus, XII 519e
Plato, Republic 616 d 5
Athenaeus, XIII 580a
Plato, Symp. 223B
Archilochos, 4B=5A D
Hedylus, epig. 6 (Athen. XI 473a)
Plato, Theaetetus 147 a-b
Plato, Hippias Major 288 d-e
Aristophanes, Ach. 278
Herodotos, IV 152
Aristophanes, Av. 77-79
Pollux VI 88
Aristophanes, Ec. 252, 1002-1004
Herodotos, IX 80
Aristophanes, Eq. 600, 650
Kallixeinos, Jacoby FqH 627 F 2c
Theophrastus, Od. IV 15, VI 23
Aristophanes, Lys. 139
Aristophanes, Plutus 812-813
Theopompus Comics 54K
Aristophanes, V. 807-808
Kritias, Müller FHG II, p. 69, 3
Aristophanes, fr. 148c K
Xenophon, Cyr. I 2.8
Athenaeus, III 109 c-d, 115e
Menander, Dyskolos 626-628
Xenophon, Oec. VIII 19-20
Athenaeus, XI 784 and 466e, 473a, 483 b-f
Pindar, Nem. IX 51f
Agora 3, s. 209, p. 199Nuts
Theophrastos, Characters
Isaios, VI (Philoktemon), 20
Judeich, p. 137, fig. 10
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, 448
Pollux, VII, 192-193
Pollux, VII, 199
Diogenes Laertius, V, iv, 66
Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae, 302
Athenaeus, XV, 685b
Olives, Olive Oil
Athenaeus, X, 431e
Kock, C.A.F., II, p. 299, no. 9
Plutarch, De Tranquillitate Animi, 10, 470f.
I.G. II (2), 1100
Gorgias, 518b
Pollux, X, 75
Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, pp. 221-225
J. H. Oliver, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, XLIII, 1953, pp. 960-963
 364-363 B.C.
2nd A.D.
121-122 A.D.
Agora 3, s. 31, p. 21Thucydides, VI, 28
I.G. II (2), 968, line 14
Plato, Eryxias, 394c and 400b
I.G., II (2), 5056 and 5060
I.G. II (2), 958
I.G. II (2), 3867
Athenaeus, V, 212, d-e
Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 8, 4
Aristophanes, Birds, 997
I.G. II (2), 1348
Livy, XXXI, 24, 9
Plutarch, Sulla, 14
I.G. II (2), 4298
Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 338
Harpokration, Kyrbeis
I.G. II (2), 115
Aelian, Varia Historia, VI, 1
 141-140 B.C.
2nd-3rd A.D.
Agora 14, s. 129, p. 104Judeich, Topographie², pp. 94, 325f.
Travlos, Π.Ε.Α., p. 86
Judeich, Topographie², pp. 94, 354ff.
Travlos, Π.Ε.Α., pp. 86ff.
Picture Book, 2
Hesperia, 19, 1950, pp. 316-326
Hesperia, 20, 1951, pp. 49-53
Hesperia, 21, 1952, pp. 99-102
Hesperia, 23, 1954, pp. 58-61
Hesperia, 24, 1955, pp. 59-61
Hesperia, 25, 1956, pp. 66-68
Hesperia, 26, 1957, pp. 83-88, 103-107
Hesperia, 27, 1958, pp. 145-146
Hesperia, 28, 1959, pp. 91-92
Athenaeus, V, 212f.
Agora, 003, no. 99, p. 46
Agora 3, s. 232, p. 222Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 5, 4
Demosthenes, LIV (Konon), 7, 8
Iuppiter Tragoedus, 15
Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 8, 2
Lucian, Piscator, 13
Athenaeus, V, 212e
I.G. II (2), 968, line 14
Plutarch, Sulla, 14
Alkiphron, II, 3, 11 (IV, 18, 11)
Athenaeus, XII, 533d
Athenaeus, XIII, 576c
Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 5, 20
Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 1, 5
Lucian, Navigium, 24
Schol. Pindar, Olym. III, 54
Wachsmuth, II, p. 259
Himerios, Orat., III, 12
Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 1, 7
Schol. Aristophanes, Knights, 566
Thucydides, VI, 57
Plutarch, Demetrios, 12
I.G. II (2), 334
Alkiphron, III, 48 [12], 3
Alkiphron, III, 64 [28], 3
Schol. on Parmenides 127c
Schol. Knights, 772
Bekker, Anecdota Graeca, I, 275, 19
Wachsmuth, II, p. 260
Pausanias, I, 36, 4
Pollux, IX, 96
Alkiphron, III, 8 (5), 1
Alkiphron, III, 25 (II, 22), 2
Alkiphron, Epist., III, 5 (2), 1