[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham (2014-04-06 to 2014-04-25): Unit II, Room 6 and Room 8, Session I

Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham Session I Temple E Southeast Excavations N: 1087 N, S: 1075.25 N, E: 129 E, W: 116.5 E 6–25 April 2014 Introduction This is the final summary of the first session of excavation ... 184) with flat-lying sherds, ... (Context 184; 1079.01–1081.51N, ... 182; 1079.24–1081.03N,

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2007 by Lina Kokkinou and Angela Ziskowski (2007-05-21 to 2007-06-09): Byzantine to Early Modern period in the southern end of Nezi Field

EXCAVATION SUMMARY We, Angela Ziskowski and Lina Kokkinou, from May 21 to June 9 2007 continued the excavation in the northern edge of the Nezi field, in the same excavation area opened by Lydia Herring, ... Nezi Field, context 182 ... Nezi Field, context 184