[Agora Deposit] F-G 12:1: Road Fills

Filling of early N-S road and related fills, in the area of the Geometric Cemetery south of the Tholos; various levels including plundered foundation trench. For late, disturbed or uncertain levels over ... 7th-6th c. B.C ... F-G 12:1 ... F-G 12:1


[Agora Deposit] G 12:19: Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Burned Deposit. A thick deposit of ash, cinders and pottery fragments extending alongside wall of cemetery. Character of pottery like the pyre of F 12:2 ... Late Geometric ... pyre of F 12:2.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:24: Inhumation with Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Grave 20 in notebook. Objects recorded in nb. from Grave 21 (earlier and disturbed by Grave 20) are included here. A pyre [using pieces of pots from Grave 21] was probably burned beside grave 20 and some ... Late Geometric ... Originally F 12:2