Agora 13, s. 194, p. 173Furumark, M.P., p. 60, fig. 16
Hesperia, 35, 1966, p. 396, pl. 93
N.T.D., p. 92, fig. 103, 2-3
Ch.T., pl. XXXI
P.T.K., p. 72, 73, 124, fig. 118, 66 h
Prosymna, II, fig. 397, 713-714
Furumark, M.P., p. 53, fig. 15
Asine, p. 361, fig. 235, 50, 51, 56
B.M.Cat., I, 1, A 850, pl. X
P.T.K., p. 72, no. 67a
Prosymna, II, figs. 353, 789; 356, 775
Asine, p. 370, fig. 240, 61-64
Asine, 370, fig. 240, 61-64
Hesperia, 17, 1948, pl. XXXIX, 2, h
B.C.H., LXXI-LXXII, 1947-1948, pl. LXVI, upper
Hesperia, 17, 1948, pl. XXXIX, 2, j
N.T.D., p. 92, fig. 103, 4
N.T.D., p. 92, fig. 103, 5
Ch.T., p. 8, no. 17
Prosymna, II, fig. 297, 712
Hesperia, 17, 1948, pl. XXXIX, 2, i
Hesperia, 17, 1948, pl. XXXIX, 2, k
 Mycenaean III A 
Agora 13, s. 272, p. 251Furumark, M.P., p. 53, fig. 15
Furumark, M.P., p. 35, fig. 7
Furumark, M.P., p. 293, fig. 45
Zygouries, p. 163, fig. 158
Attica, pl. 8, 12-13
B.S.A., LII, 1957, pl. 41 d
Description of Tombs and Catalogue of Objects; The Non Sepulchral Mycenaean Deposits; Pits and Bothroi; Mycenaean Bothros Opposite Stoa Pier 17
R.T.D., pls. I, XII-XV
Claude F.S. Scaeffer, Enkomi-Alasiya, pls. C-D
B.M.Cat., I, 2, C 623
A.J.A., LX, 1956, pl. 53, fig. 8
Furumark, M.P., p. 363, fig. 62
Karageorghis, Nouveaux documents, pp. 204ff.
Furumark, M.P., p. 48, fig. 13
 Mycenaean III B
Mycenaean III A
Agora 13, s. 368pl. 60
Agora 13, s. 149, p. 128Burial
Mycenaean Period; The Mycenaean Pottery from the Agora; Shapes; Vases for Eating and Drinking; Cups
N.T.D., p. 92, fig. 103, pp. 135-136
Hesperia, 35, 1966, p. 67 with references
Hesperia, 35, 1966, p. 388
French, B.S.A., LX, 1965, p. 159
Fountain, p. 376, fig. 58, a-c
Fountain, p. 377
Agora 13, s. 269, p. 248Other
Description of Tombs and Catalogue of Objects; The Non Sepulchral Mycenaean Deposits; Pits and Bothroi
Description of Tombs and Catalogue of Objects; The Non Sepulchral Mycenaean Deposits; Pits and Bothroi; Mycenaean Gully and Deposit in Front of Northeast Stoa
Archaeology, IV, 1951, p. 225
Archaeology, XIII, 1960, p. 8, fig. 7
June 1951  
Agora 13, s. 274, p. 253Furumark, M.P., pp. 48-49, figs. 13-14
Furumark, M.P., p. 311, fig. 51
Fountain, pp. 351-361, figs. 29-38
Zygouries, p. 145, fig. 135, left
Broneer, Fountain, p. 377
Pylos, I, pp. 397-399, Shape 60, figs. 385-386
Furumark, M.P., p. 75, fig. 21
Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 372, fig. 45
Fountain, p. 399, fig. 81
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, pl. 37, a
Furumark, M.P., p. 48, fig. 13
Pylos, I, pp. 413-414, Shapes 69 and 70, figs. 395-396
Zygouries, p. 154, fig. 145, 403, 450
Pylos, I, p. 360, Shape 12, fig. 353-354
Fountain, p. 381, fig. 63, a
Description of Tombs and Catalogue of Objects; The Non Sepulchral Mycenaean Deposits; Wells; Well North of Temple of Ares
1952Mycenaean III B-Mycenaean III C
Mycenaean III B
Late Helladic III B-Late Helladic III C
Agora 13, s. 148, p. 127Ares Tomb, pp. 203, 210-211
B.S.A., LX, 1965, p. 160
B.M. Cat., I, 1, A 870, pl. XIV
B.S.A., XLV, 1950, pl. 21 a, 2, 5, 7
Πρακτικά, 1952 [1955], p. 480, fig. 6
B.S.A., LX, 1965, pp. 164ff, figs. 2, 3, 5
Attica, pl. 4, 7-12, 14-15, pl. 5, 1
Attica, pp. 62-63
Agora 13, s. 295, p. 274The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index of Deposits