2nd dump fill-- arbitrary continuation of 12342013/06/13late 11th-1/2 12th century (contimated from Frankish pit) 
3rd Dump Deposit Filling Pit 12452013/06/14late 11th-1/2 12th century (contimated from Frankish pit) 
1961 Byzantine House, Courtyard and Surrounding Rooms at Modern through Late Byzantine Levels   
1996 Excavation Summary10 Jun-2 Aug 1996  
2009 Excavation summary   
2010 Session 2 Green Team Final Report: Rooms North of the Courtyard of the Byzantine House   
2013 Session 1, TeamBlue, Final Summary   
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A Roman Road Southeast of the Forum at Corinth: Technology and Urban Development2011  
A Shield Monument from Veria and the Chronology of Macedonian Shield Types1999  
A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 24, 26
IG IΙ², 657
Rhodes, Athenian Boule, pp. 6-7
IG II², 467
M.J. Osborne, Naturalization I, pp. 112-113, D 43
IG II², 468
IG II², 469
R.S. Stroud, Hesperia 40, 1971, pp. 181-183, no. 30
IG II², 773
S. Dow, AJA 37, 1933, pp. 415-416
IG II², 470
A. Wilhelm, Anatolian Studies Presented to William Hepburn Buckler, 1939, pp. 345-352
IG II², 675
W.K. Pritchett, AJP 58, 1937, pp. 329-333
IG II², 471
IG II², 472 and 169
SEG XXI, 335
IG II², 473
IG II², 474
S. Dow, AJA 37, 1933, pp. 412-414
IG II², 475 and 476
S. Dow, AJA 37, 1933, p. 414
IG II², 1484
IG II², 1487
IG II², 1491
IG II², 1492
IG II², 2499
D. Behrend, Attische Pachturkunden, pp. 96-97, no. 39
IG II², 1492B
IG II², 471, lines 6-7
J. Kirchner, IG II², 470
W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 385, 387-388
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 7, 1938, p. 131
Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xv
Pritchett and O. Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 79
Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 313
AJP 58, 1937
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 138-139
Hesperia 33, 1964, p. 9
Meritt, AJP 93, 1972, pp. 164-166
A.S. Henry, Prescripts, p. 92
ID 1505
ID 1952 and 2589, line 25
IG II², iv, 1, p. 20
W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 239 and 265, also p. 233
W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 30
Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 193
W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xxx
Pritchett and O. Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 86
Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 96
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 228 and 237
Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, pp. 25-255
Hesperia 33, 1964, p. 207
A.E. Samuel, Greek and Roman Chronology, 1972, p. 219
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 184
Mattingly, Historia 20, 1971, p. 32
J.S. Traill, Political Organization, pp. 10-11, 85, 121
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, pp. 165-166
ID 2589
Hesperia 57, 1988, pp. 238, 242, 246
IG II², 1030, line 17
G. Daux, Hesperia 16, 1947, pp. 55-57
N. Kyparissis and W. Peek, AthMitt 66, pp. 228-232, no. 4
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxxi
ID 1580
IG II², 974
IG II², 978
Agora 15, 173
Meritt, The Athenian Year, p. 237
Merri, Historia 26, 1977, p. 184
C. Habicht, Hesperia 57, 1988, p. 237
W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 201-203
Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xxxv
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 280, 289
W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 32
Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, p. 236
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American Journal of Philology
Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον
Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung
Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique
Cambridge Ancient History
W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1903-1905
W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 3rd ed., Leipzig, 1915-1924
S. Dow, Prytaneis (Hesperia, Supplement I, 1937)
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Inscriptiones Graece, Vol. I (editio minor, Berlin, 1924), edited by F. Hiller von Gaertringen
Inscriptiones Graecae, Vols. II-III (editio minor, Berlin, 1913-1940), edited by J. Kirchner
F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, 3 parts, Berlin and Leiden, 1923-1954
Journal of Hellenic Studies
Journal of Roman Studies
W. Judeich, Topographie von Athen, 2nd edition, 1931
T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1880-1888
Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, edited by Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll, Kurt Witte, Karl Mittelhaus, Stuttgart, 1894-
W. K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, 1940
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, 1923-
Transactions of the American Philological Association
C. Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen im Altertum, 2 vols., 1874-1890
Agora I, E.B. Harrison, Portrait Sculpture, Princeton, 1953
Agora III, R. E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, Princeton, 1957
Agora V, V. H. S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology, Princeton, 1959
Agora VII, J. Perlzweig, Lamps of the Roman Period, Princeton, 1961
R. Stillwell (Ed.), Antioch on the Orontes, III, The Excavations 1937-1939, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1941
M. Bieber, The History if the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1939
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E. Breccia, Monuments de l' Egypte greco-romaine, II: Terracotta figurate greche e greco-egizie del Museo di Alessandria, 1, Bergamo, 1940; 2, Bergamo, 1934
N. Breitenstein, Danish National Museum, Department of Oriental and Classical Antiquities. Catalogue of Terracottas, Cypriote, Greek, Etruscan, Italian and Roman, Copenhagen, 1941
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D. Burr (D.B. Thompson), Terracottas from Myrina in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Vienna, 1934
F. Chapouthier, Les Dioscures au service d'une deesse, Paris, 1935
C. Pharr (Ed.), The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions, Princeton, 1952
G. R. Davidson, Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects, Princeton, 1952
F. Cumont, Reserches sur le symbolisme funeraire des Romains, Paris, 1942
P. Perdrizet, Fouilles de Delphes, V, Monuments figures, petit bronzes, terres suites, antiquités diverses, Paris, 1908
W. Deonna, De Telesphore au moine bourru, Dieux, genies et demons encapuchonnes. Latomus, XXI, Berchem-Brussels, 1955
C.C. Edgar, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Greek Moulds, Cairo, 1903
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Addendum on Chronology
John Hayes
Adolf Furtwängler, Ernst Fiechter, and Hermann Thiersch, Aegina das Heiligtum der Aphaia, Munich, 1906
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American Journal of Archaeology
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Archäologischer Anzeiger
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
Oscar Broneer, Corinth, Vol. IV, Part II, Terracotta Lamps, Cambridge, Mass., 1930
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Courby, Fernand, Les vases grecs à reliefs, Paris, 1922
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Εφημερίς Αρχαιολογική
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Journal of Hellenic Studies
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Monumenti antichi pubblicati per cura della (Reale) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
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Osborne, Alfred, Lynchos et Lucerna, Alexandria, 1924
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Hetty Goldman, ed., Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, Vol. I, Princeton, 1950
F. Frhr. Hiller von Gaertringen, Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895-1902, Berlin, 1899-1909
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Oskar Waldhauer, Die antiken Tonlampen der Kaiserlichen Ermitage, St. Petersburg, 1914
H. B. Walters, Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the British Museum, London, 1914
Color paint
Column krater
Cooking jugs
Cooking Ware fabric
Analatos Painter
Corinthian fabric
Argive Monochrome Ware
Corinthian imports
Astyanax, Death of
Athens, Agora of
Cretan influence
Cups; one-handled
Cups; Phaleron
Athens 894, Workshop of
Athens 894
Athens 897, Workshop of
Athens 897
Attributions, List of
Dating, method of
Babies' Commodes
Dead, cult of
Basketry, influence on pottery
Deposits, description of
Benaki Workshop
Dipylon painter
Black and White Style
Dots and bands
Double animal
Black ware
East Greek Pottery
Egg-shaped krater
Egyptian import
Bronze finds, list of
Erotic scene
Brown paint
Etruscan imports
Eye, apotropaic
Bull heads
Burial customs
Description of Fabrics
Figure style
Finds, non-pottery
Fish on pots, list of
Floral ornament
Chariot frieze
Fox chases, list of
Funeral ritual
Checkerboard Painter
Checkerboard pattern
Geometric pottery
Chian fabric
Chorus; of men
Chorus; of women
Glass finds, list of
Goats, kneeling
Boundary stone
Temple of Ares
Great Drain
The Herms
Temple of Athena Nike
Middle Stoa
Sanctuary possibly of Hekate
Temple of Dionysos
South Stoa II
Themistoklean Wall
Southeast Building
Southeast Temple
Augustan workmanship in Athenian sculpture
Altar of Eleos
Altar of Pythian Apollo
Babullia Varilla
Altar of the Twelve Gods
City Gate, pre-Persian
Eleusinion in the City
Boreas and Oreithyia
Gymnasium of Ptolemy
Brauron: sanctuary of Artemis
Hadrianic aqueduct
Bryaxis base
Bull-nosed chisel
Burials within the City
Herakleion at Kynosarges
Shield of Athena Parthenos
Heroon of Aigeus
Cnidian Treasury
Hieron of Antiochos
Siphnian Treasury
Late Roman Fortification
Cavetto capitals
Law courts
Odeion of Agrippa
Chariot groups
Older Parthenon
Panathenaic Way
Parthenon, east frieze
Peisistratid Temple of Athena
Choregic monument bases
Roman Agora
Chronology of archaic sculpture
Stoa of Attalos
Claudius as Apollo Patroos
Claw chisel
Stoa Basileios
Stoa of the Herms
Stoa Poikile
Stoa of Zeus
Street of the Hermoglyphs
Temple of Aphrodite Ourania
Agora 3, p. 55, no. 118
Agora 3, pp. 56-57
Agora 15, p. 45
Henry, Chiron 14, 1984, pp. 82-83
PA 12169
IG II², 1534B, line 268
S.B. Aleshire, Athenian Asklepieion, 1989, inventory V, line 143
Habicht, Studien, pp. 70 and 33, note 96
IG II², 4440
J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families, pp. 286-290
Henry, Honours, p. 38
W.B. Dinsmoor, The Archons of Athens in the Hellenistic Age in 1931
IG II², 1304
SEG XV, 110
PA 3269
C. Habicht, Studien, pp. 134-135
W.B. Dinsmoor, The Archons of Athens in the Hellenistic Age in 1931, pp. 55 and 209-212
W.B. Dinsmoor, The Archons of Athens in the Hellenistic Age in 1931, p. 45
IG II², 1706
Hesperia 2, 1933, pp. 418-446
Hesperia 3, 1934, p. 177
W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 27
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 7, 1938, p. 138
Disnmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 162-163
W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, pp. xxiv and 4
Pritchett and Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 91
Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 316
Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 235
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 178
Habicht, Studien, p. 176
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 168-169
Meritt, Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 436-441
Agora 12
The Chronology
Adams and Adams 1991
Adams and Adams 1991, pp. 157-168
Agora 15, 216
Pritchett, Calendars, p. 19
IG II², 948
Meritt, Ἀρχ. Ἐφ., 1968, pp. 93-96
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, pp. 164-165
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 149-150
A.S. Henry, Prescripts, pp. 78-80
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, pp. 127-128, with photograph
Meritt, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 240, no. 10, with photograph pl. 51
S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 108
S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, pp. 99-109, fig. 12
1 June 1936
30 July 1953
Agora Excavations 1997 Season Preliminary Report10 Jun-1 Aug 1997  
Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade1961  
An Absolute Chronology of Attic Sculpture, 450-390 B. C.2019  
Appendix I; Graphs Illustrating the Chronology of Motifs Shapes and Imports   
Appendix III; Working Suggestions for Adjustments of the Chronology of Hellenistic Lamps
kerameikos XI, pp. 190-193
Appendix; Revised Chronology of Published Athenian Hellenistic Groups; The Agora; Groups A-E
Thompson, pp. 313-330
Ètudes thasiennes IV, p. 392, no. 1607
McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, pp. 1-16
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp, pp. 26-61
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, Koroni: The Date of the Camp and the Pottery, pp. 69-75
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninunsula, pp. 329-330
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, pp. 193-200
J. Kroll, Numismatic Appendix, p. 201
McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, pp. 14-15
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp, pp. 57-60
H. Heinen, Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen Geschichte des 3. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Historie, Einzelschriften XX, 1972, pp. 95-213
Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture1965  
Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well1975  
Art, artefacts, and chronology in classical archaeology1992  
Ashy deposit2009/04/08late 11th-12th NPD 
Ashy pit fill of cut 57762008/06/0412th, npd 
Ath. Pol. 50
IG I³, 78, lines 54-55
IG I³, 84, lines 6-8
IG II², 204, line 13
The Athenian Agora; Volume 19; Inscriptions; Horoi; Poletai Records; Leases of Public Lands; I; Horoi; Chronological Range
Iliad 12.421-423
Iliad 21.404-405
Ath. Pol. 12.4-5
IG I², 863
The Athenian Agora; Volume 19; Inscriptions; Horoi; Poletai Records; Leases of Public Lands; I; Horoi; Physical Characteristics
Dittenberger, Syll.³, 313 and note 6
IG I³, 84, lines 7-8
IG II², 1177
IG XIV, 645
BCH 3, 1879, p. 244, A (I)
IG I³, 84
Travlos, PDA, pp. 332-334, figs. 435, 436
IG IV², 75, line 33
IG IX², 177
IG XIV, 352
IG XIV, 645, I, lines 15-93
Kerameikos I, p. 5 and note 4
IG I², 862
Attic Black-Figured Pottery1986  
Ayia Irini II-III, Kea: The Phasing and Relative Chronology of the Early Bronze Age II Settlement2013  
Aḥmed I, 1603-1617 A.D., silver3 March 19341603-1617 A.D. 
B. Meritt, Hesperia, 36, 1967, p. 100, no. 33, photograph pl. 29
S.E.G., XXIV, 239
B. Meritt, Hesperia, 23, 1954, pp. 268-269, no. 94, photograph pl. 59
S.E.G., XIV, 188
B. Meritt, Hesperia, 26, 1957, p. 234, no. 91, photograph pl. 60
S.E.G., XVII, 107
P.A. 14776
I.G., II², 1534a, line 105
Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, pp. 51-55
J. Kirchner, I.G., II², 7812
W. Peek, A.G., II, p. 22, no. 51, with drawing
July 1936
July 1959
2May 1936
8 December 1937
February 1936
17 November 1937
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 4, 1935, pp. 565-571
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 7, 1938, pp. 107-108
W.B. Dinsmoor, The Athenian Archon List in the Light of Recent Discoveries, New York 1939, pp. 52-53
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, The Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, Cambridge, Mass. 1940, pp. 88-91
4 May 1934
11 May 1934
13 April 1934
14 April 1934
9 March 1934
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 13, 1944, p. 233
Osborne, Naturalization I, pp. 16-18
Osborne, Naturalization III/IV, pp. 155-170
A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 64-78
IG II², 351 and 624
SEG XXI, 283
A.S. Henry, Honours, p. 72
A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 75-76
IG II², 546
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. 6
SEG XXI, 304
IG II², 385
B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, p. 25
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 112-113
SEG XXI, 341 and 355
IG II², 378
S. Dow, HSCP 67, 1963, pp. 44-45
S. Dow, Hesperia 32, 1963, pp. 342-346
Meritt, Hesperia 30, 1961, pp. 290-292
S. Dow, Hesperia 32, 1963, pp. 429-431
SEG XXI, 353
M.J. Osborne, Naturalization I, pp. 151-153, D 70
M.J. Osborne, Naturalization II, pp. 153-154
M.H. Hansen, GRBS 23, 1982, pp. 345-346, no. 59
M.H. Hansen, Athenian Ecclesia, pp. 97-98
A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 76 and 102, note 110
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, p. 25
Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 113
8 April 1952  
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 233, no. 1, with photograph pl. 49
J. and L. Robert, REG 68, 1955, p. 207, no. 68
Meritt, Hesperia 29, 1960, p. 11
IG II², 780B, 781, and 782
Hesperia 7, 1938, pp. 121-123, no. 24
IG II², 780B and 2856
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 55, 181-182
IG II², 1317b, addenda p. 673
IG II², 780B, 778
Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 152, following pp. 65-140
W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. 43, note 41
Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 234
Meritt, Historia 27, 1977, p. 175
C. Habicht, Untersuchungen, pp. 116-133, 142-146
Meritt, Historia 25, 1976, p. 77
IG II², 680
12 March 1937  
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 30, 1961, pp. 213-214
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 432-433
IG II², 1304b, addenda p. 672
IG II², iv, 1, p. 16
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 55 and 213
Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 164-165
W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xxx
Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 316
SEG XXI, 371
Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 233
Y. Garlan, BCH 89, 1965, pp. 339-344
Agora 15, 89
Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 432-433
Historia 26, 1977, p. 175
IG II², 1279
IG II², 2856
Habicht, Untersuchungen, pp. 126-128, 145
Hesperia 50, 1981, pp. 85-87
Hesperia 50, 1981, p. 79
ZPE 58, 1985, pp. 290-294
A.S. Henry, Chiron 18, 1988, pp. 215-224
ZPE 78, 1989, pp. 209-242
ZPE 78, 1989, pp. 230-233
ZPE 78, 1989, p. 228, note 90
IG II², 697
SEG XXI, 356
Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 433-434
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 32, 1963, p. 17, no. 16, with photograph pl. 5
SEG XXI, 439
IG II², 886
S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, pp. 96-98, fig. 11
Agora 15, 182
IG II², 2323
IG II², 902
Agora 15, 183
Agora 15, 184
C. Habicht, Studien, p. 177
W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Secretaries, p. 55
TAPA 95, 1964, p. 236
W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 29
W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 23
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxvii
Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 94
Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 236
Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, pp. 238-239
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, pp. 161-162 and 181
J.S. Traill, Hesperia 45, 1976, pp. 302-303, note 13
2 April 1957  
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 34, 1965, p. 89, no. 1, with photograph pl. 25
IG II², 903
S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter Cutters, pp. 132-136, fig. 19
IG II², 956
IG II², 1328
J. Kirchner, IG II², iv, 1, pp. 18-19
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 222, 256-257
Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 29
S. Dow, Prytaneis, p. 125, no. 65
Agora 15, 228
Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 188
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxviii
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 183
C. Habicht, Hesperia 57, 1988, pp. 241, 246
SEG XXI, 447
Agora 15, 197
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 201 and 236
Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 94
Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 38, note 28
August 1964  
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 37, 1968, p. 271, no. 8, with photograph pl. 78
SEG XXV, 104
Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, p. 55
W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, pp. 23-36
Meritt, Hesperia 17, 1948, pp. 7, 13
Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 315
Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 176
BCH 85, 1961, pp. 60-67
Meritt, Classical Tradition; Literary and Historical Studies in Honor of Harry Caplan, 1966, pp. 31-42
G. Nachtergael, Historia 25, 1976, p. 77
C. Habicht, Untersuchungen, pp. 133-146
Hesperia 50, 1981, p. 95
Osborne, ZPE 78, 1898, p. 215, 219, 241
SEG XXI, 392
IG II², 775 and 803
Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 146-148
Bibliography and Abbreviations
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CellarMarch 1935 March-April 1956Modern Context 
Children in Archaic and Classical Greek Art: A Survey2014  
Chronological markers for lopadia and lekanides.2013  
Chronological ranges of drinking-cup types found in Agora pyres, with type number to left of each shape drawing, and number of occurrences to right of each.2013  
Chronological Site Plan29 Apr 2002  
Bendorf, Griechische und sizilische Vasenbinder, pp. 117-118
Athenaios, Deipnosophistai xi.476c
Ulrich Hausmann, pp. 108-109, note 107
Bendorf, pl. 58:3
Hausmann, pl. 6:1
Bendorf, pl. 60:5
Hausmann, pls. 8:2 and 9:1
Bendorf, pl. 61:1, 5,6
Hausmann, pls. 7:1, 2:1, and 2
Corinth VII, iii, pp. 88-90, 151
Acropolis 701
Kouroi (2), p. 30, note 1
Kouroi (2), p. 59
Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece, p. 73
A.J.A., XLIX, 1945, pp. 62-80
Richter, Handbook of Greek Art, p. 55
Kouroi (2), p. 33, note 20
Kouroi (2), p. 31
Richter, Handbook of Greek Art, p. 400
Schrader, Jahrb., XLIII, 1928, pp. 80-83
Dinsmoor, A.J.A., LI, 1947, pp. 146-147
Dinsmoor, A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, pp. 408-448
J.H.S., LXXX, 1960, pp. 134-140
Svoronos, 1904, pls. VII-IX, XI-XIV
Kraay and Hirmer, 1966, nos. 799-801, p. 382, pls. 218, XIX
Richter, 1962, pp. 1322-1326
Rubensohn, 1911, p. 24, fig. 1
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, 1978, pp. 1-7, figs. 1-11
Kyrieleis, 1975, pp. 7-8, pl. 7:1,2
D.B. Thompson, 1973, nos. 278-280, 282, 286, 288, 290, pp. 201-204, pls. LXV-LXVII
Rubensohn, 1911, nos. 12, 13, pp. 24-25, pl. X
Queyrel, 1984, pp. 267-300
D.B. Thompson, 1965, no. 3, p. 71, pl. 21
Courby, 1922, p. 224
D.B. Thompson, 1963c, pp. 304-305, pl. 80
Zanker, 1989, pp. 46, 47, figs. 31, 32
Kossatz-Diessmann, 1995
Bieber, 1961b, p. 81, fig. 284, p. 141, fig. 586
Oliver, 1977, no. 36, pp. 72-73, no. 50, p. 88, and no. 53, p. 90
Bothmer, 1984, no. 95, p. 55
Agora 22, no. 181, pp. 65-66, pl. 33
Hausmann, 1959, pl. 4
Pagenstecher, 1909, no. 39, p. 43, fig. 19
Jentel, 1976, pp. 325-327, 338-340, 369, figs. 170, 174-178, 195, pls. LIII, LV, LX
Richter, 1959, p. 244, figs. 26, 28, pls. 54, 55
Carapanos, 1978, no. 5, p. 111, pl. LXI:8
AA [JdI 25], 1910, cosl. 219-220, figs. 18, 19
PF II, pp. 79-80
Sinn, 1979, MB 67-MB 70, pp. 120-125, pls. 26, 27
Siebert, 1984, pp. 14-20, pls. 4, 5
Akamatis, 1985, nos. 322, 323, M 79-M 88, pp. 207-210, 325-329, pls. 226-232, 294-302
AvP I, ii, no. 4, p. 277, Beiblatt 44:4
FdD V, i, no. 455, p. 179
Nicole, 1911, no. 1338, p. 308
PF II, E 23, pp. 80, 97, pl. 27
Identity; Dikasterion
Agora IV, Type 54A, no. 770
Agora IV, Type 54A, no. 856
Agora V, G 85
Agora V, G 87
East Tunnel
Latest Phase
Chronology of drinking cups: Classical shapes.1989  
Chronology of drinking cups: Hellenistic shapes.1989  
Chronology of Monuments   
Chronology of plates, bowls, small bowls, and saltcellars.1989  
Chronology of shapes used for serving wine.1989  
Chronology of some common West Slope motifs.1989  
Chronology of Southeast Corner
Room 3A predates the rest of the structure
Chronology of the Late Fourth Century1964  
Chronology of toilet vessels.1989  
Chronology of vessels used for oil and other pouring vessels.1989  
Chronology of vessels used for religious purposes.1989  
Chronology; Destruction
T 149
Chronology; Repairs   
Agora 004, pp. 162-163
Agora 004, p.176
Agora 004, p.179
Kerameikos XI, pp. 162-168
D.B. Thompson, Hellenistic Terracottas, III, pp. 276-291
Andreiomenou, Ὀδός ῎Οθωνος 4, p. 80, pl. 84
Courby, pl. 9:e
Schwabacher, o. 222, pl. 9:1-8
Agora 004, nos. 686, 688, 689, 850, 851
Thompson, E 106
Kerameikos XI, pp. 163-165
Corinth VII, iii, pp. 184-185
Zahn, Tongeschirr, pp. 406-407, nos. 34, 35
Zahn, Hellenistische Reliefgefässe, p. 67, no. 24
Thompson, pp. 442-444
Zahn, Makedonischer Schild, makedonischer Becher, pp. 49-51
Labraunda II, i, p. 22
P. J. Callaghan, Macedonian Shields, Shield Bowls and Corinth: A Fixed Point in Hellenistic Ceramic Chronology?, Athens Annals of Archaeology 11, 1978, pp. 53-60
Corinth VII, iii, p. 182-184
Agora 012, p. 391
Stella G. Miller, Menon's Cistern, Hesperia 43, 1974, pp. 198-199, 209-210
Thompson, pp. 330-347
Thompson, p. 332
Agora 012, p. 393
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 235, no. 77
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, pp. 333-334, no. 7
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp, nos. 5, 11, 27, 62-64, 75, 81, 109-111
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, pp. 333, nos. 2, 5
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, p. 194
Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, p. 292
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, pp. 319-334
G.R. Edwards, Koroni: The Hellenistic Pottery, pp. 109-111
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, pp. 196-197
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, pp. 326, note 16
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, p. 197, note 17
Svoronos, pl. 22:67
J.H. Kroll, A Chronology of Early Bronze Coinage, ca. 350-250 B.C., Greek Numismatics and Archaeology, O. Mørkholm and N.M. Waggoner, edd. Wetteren 1979, type G, pp. 144-145
Thompson, pp. 332-334
Thompson, pp. 345-369
P.W. Lapp, Palestinian Ceramic Chronology, 200 B.C.-A.D. 70, New Haven 1961, pp. 71-79
Svoronos, pl. 24:25-27
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 269, no. 199
Kleiner, I, p. 330
Thompson, pp. 369-392
Agora 22, pp. 102, 108
H.A. Thompson, 1934, pp. 330-345
V.R. Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, with a Numismatic Appendix by J.H. Kroll, AM 89, 1974, pp. 196-197, 202-203
Agora 22, pp. 102, 109-111
H.A. Thompson, 1934, pp. 369-392
Grace 1985, p. 37
Kleiner 1975, pp. 311-312, 329
Kleiner 1975, pp. 304-313, 329
Kleiner 1976, pp. 29, 32
Agora 14, pp. 66-68
Délos XXVII, pp. 317-319
Grace 1985, pp. 11-54
S.I. Rotroff, The Long-Petal Bowl from the Pithos Settling Basin, Hesperia 57, 1988, pp. 87-93
 240 B.C.
3rd quarter 2nd B.C.
140 B.C.
183 B.C.
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Cleaning Tiles in SW Corner2016/06/0714th 
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Corinth IV.1. Decorated Architectural Terracottas1929  
Corinth Report: Temple E Southeast excavations. Unit 2, Rooms 8 and 7.   
Corinth VII, iii, G.R. Edwards, Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Princeton 1975
Corinth XII, G.R. Davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952
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