
[Agora Deposit] F 16:4: Urn Cremation

Dorothy Burr Thompson ... Grave 2. Urn cremation (trench-and-hole). In some records as XXIII. Variously labeled as grid 7/Δ, 7/Γ and 7/Γ-Δ. Rectangular pyre trench cut through earth into bedrock, with only the lowest 0.04m surviving ... Transitional Late Protogeometric/Early Geometric I ... Hesperia 73 (2004), p. 26, n. 71 ... Hesperia 2 (1933), pp. 468-470 (with F 16:3) ... Agora XXXVI, Tomb 9, pp. 67-69, 529-530, figs. 2.14, 2.21, 2.22, 3.15, 3.16, pl.

[Agora Deposit] S 17:3: Cutting in Bedrock

Cutting in bedrock (Panathenaic Way Cut II, Cutting C1); loose gravelly filling over bedrock including a number of terracotta figurines. Lot ΠΑ 61? P 26458 is probably a slip. One fragment noted as from ... 4th c. B.C ... 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 16:1: Demeter Cistern

Cistern at 9/Β (10/Β on plan), at the NW foot of the Areopagus, some 200m to the west of the Coroplast's Dump. It had evidently belonged to one of the small houses in that thickly populated residential ... Second half 4th c. B.C ... Second half 4th c. B.C.