J 2:12Classical Pyre31 July 1997Ca. 400-390 B.C. 
F-G 12:3Inhumation of a Woman11 April 1935Late Geometric 
G 13:3Pyre15 May 1933350-250 B.C. 
G 12:7Inhumation of a Man28 February 1935750-700 B.C. 
A 18:1Cistern Between Areopagus and Hill of the Nymphs25-30 April 1947  
H-K 12-14Middle Stoa Building Fill To ca. 180 B.C. 
A 14:1Early Roman Well9 June 1936 9-23 April 1937Early Roman; use fillings of 2nd. c. B.C. and 1st. and 4th. c. A.D.; dumped filling of late 4th. c. (HSR) Fill I: 2nd. c. B.C. Fill II-V: to second half of 4th. c. A.D. Fill VI: mixed to Byzantine. 
H-I 7-8:1"Burnt Layer"8 March 1933 24 April 1933 11-29 May 1933First half of 5th c. A.D.