[Corinth Lot] LOT 0678: Trench/Cut IV fill

Cut VI, red fill to 85.787 ... NB229 B17 P171 ... NB229 B24 P191 ... NB229 B16 P185

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2077: LT: Building N-O:25-26, fill beneath floor 1

Original stratum: LT: Room J: red fill beginning ca. -0.05 m. below top of wall 30 to -0.20 m. Temp Lot Number: 164 ... LT: Building N-O:25-26, fill beneath floor 1

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2173: LT: general fill over northwest quarter Building N-O:22-23

1982: mended with other relevant lots Original stratum: LT: Cut 17:1964: north of wall 42, 0.15 to 0.20 m. below surface; east-west test trench to -.32 below surface Temp Lot Number: 235 ... LT: general fill over northwest quarter Building N-O:22-23

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2228: LT: Building N-O:25-26, southwest corner, early fill

Joined with lot 2229; meaning unclear; elevations possibly incomplete, because used to north and south of line of stones Original stratum: LT: Area B, Room J, southwest corner. Light fill in martyra, 0.40-0.80 ... LT: Building N-O:25-26, southwest corner, early fill

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2214: LT: Building N-O:25-26, phase 2, packing for SE couch

2006: Tray rotted on floor; lots 2212-2215 mixed. Original stratum: LT: Room J, clay west of wall 33, from top of wall 33 to -0.40 m. Temp Lot Number: 271 ... NB283 B1 P171 ... NB283 B3 P173 ... NB280 B2 P39