[Agora Deposit] G 13:11: Coin Deposit at 9/I

9/Ι at 59.00m. General. Coins: 8 May 1933 #1-#11 9 May 1933 #36-#39 ... 8-9 May 1933 ... 9/Ι at 59.00m. General.

[Agora Deposit] C 13:2.4: Fill IV

Tins 8-12. 27 lamp fragments, a "D" ware plate and an early (?) gouged jug, micaceous water jars and amphorae. Some joins were noted between fills III and IV, but in general the fills are distinct ... Mid-3rd. c. A.D ... in general the fills are

[Agora Deposit] I 17:4: Cistern Shaft

Cistern shaft, part of cistern system in Η-Ι 16-17. Filling disturbed to bottom; general run of the pottery is to late Hellenistic, lamps as late as Knidos type. Finds from 60/ΙΘ-62/ΙΘ, 61/ΙΗ. "Some Arretine" ... 5 May 1932 18 June 1932 ... general run of the pottery is


[Agora Deposit] O 17:9: Disturbed Pyre

Initially was recorded as disturbed saucer grave, but identified as pyre by SIR. Found by gardener washing out of scarp during the winter rains. The location is just south of an east-west road; there ... 1962 ... houses in this general area.

[Agora Deposit] B 21:17: Fill in House K

House K: Brown fill (publ. House U). Filling between terrace wall and house wall at the extreme west end of the Areopagus; a brown gravelly filling of early Roman date found here undisturbed but occurring ... Early Roman ... throughout this general vicinity,

[Agora Deposit] G 12:20: Pits in Floor of Tholos

From disturbances in original floor of Tholos with ash and burning. Probably reflects the military and political conditions of 307 B.C. The broken pottery, both that left lying on the floor of the building ... Ca. 340-295 B.C ... preceding generation (third

[Agora Deposit] Q-R 13-14:1: Herulian Debris

Herulian debris over the Library of Pantainos. (Within this area the "Sculptor's Workshop", Iota, "Stoa" Room 1 has a group number of its own for the destruction fill R 14:2) (Note also that the "Bone ... general the good Herulian fills

[Agora Deposit] Q 20:6: Disturbed Pyre

Greek House J, under room 8 of Roman House H. Typical though very fragmentary pyre pottery lay dispersed in a stratum over bedrock with pottery ranging from the 5th to the mid-3rd c. In same general area ... Early 4th c. B.C.? ... In same general area as