Agora 8, s. 65, p. 51Well
Young C 23
A.J.A., LXII, 1958, pl. 65, fig. 23a, 1
Kotyle; Imitation of Late Protocorinthian
Brann F 31
Kotyle; Attic Imitation of Early Corinthian
Kotyle; Imitation of Early Corinthian
Kotyle; Corinthianizing
Brann G 20
A.J.A., XLV, 1941, p. 41, fig. 25
Young B 22-24
Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pl. 74, 14
H. Bossert, The Art of Ancient Crete, London, 1937, fig. 150
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 85, inv. 258
Kotyle; Middle Protoattic
I.L.N., July 18, 1936, p. 1208, fig. 8
Young C 31
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 216, "Middle Protoattic"
Kotyle; Attic Imitation of Late Protocorinthian
Early 7th B.C.
3rd quarter of 7th B.C.
4th quarter of 7th B.C.
1st half of 7th B.C.
Agora 12.2, s. 90, p. 463Revue des études anciennes, Bordeaux, from 1898
Richter, G.M.A., and Milne, M.J., Shapes and Names of Athenian Vases, New York, 1935, fig. 13, 15, 23, 30, 54, 59, 63, 70-71, 91, 99-101, 114-133, 118-121, 121, 124-125 and 129, 126, 136, 142, 150-151, 172, 173, 177, 188, 189-190
Sambon, A., Vases antiques de terre cuite: collection Canessa, Paris, 1904, pl. 8, 111
Revue des études grecques, Paris, LXXIII, 1960, p. 104
de Ridder, A., Catalogue des vases peints de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 1902, pl. 17, 417
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Rivista dell' Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell' Arte, Rome, IV, 1955, p. 157, fig. 104
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Agora 12.2, s. 91, p. 464Schimmel Collection: Exhibition of the Norbert Schimmel Collection, Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University, November 15, 1964 to February 14, 1965. ed. H. Hoffman. Mainz, 1964, no. 25
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