1968 Κ, s. 484th century road level
Room 8
Poros gutter
Room 3
ΣΤ Stone Drain (B)
Room 2
Room 9
Room 1
Room 6
Area I
Area II
ΣΤ Drain 1A
Retaining wall
Room 7
Room 5
Room 4
ΣΤ Drain 1B
ΣΤ Stone Drain (A)
ΣΤ Drain 2
Area IX
Ζ-15-43 (pp. 2817-2818)10/ΙΔ; Roman Level
10/ΙΔ; Below Roman
10/ΙΔ; Above Floor of Second Period of Building D; Around Well Head; Layer Above Burning
10/ΙΔ; Burnt Layer Lying on Floor of second Period of Building D
Trial Cut at 15/Η
15/Η; On Strosis I
15/Η; /.../ Deposit
15/Η; In and Below Strosis I
15/Η; Black Earth at Centre of and on Strosis II
In and Below Strosis II
Well Below Strosis II; To Top of Strosis III; Also Beside Early Wall
Lucy Talcott, Barbara Philippaki et al., Small objects from the Pnyx II, Hesperia Supplement 10, 1955
Mar 14 1933
Mar 15 1933
May 15 1933
May 16 1933
Roman - Late Helladic
Late Helladic
3rd A.D.
Late 4th B.C.
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 Nezi Field 2010 by Dominic Galante, Christina Trego (2010-05-03 to 2010-05-21)2010 Session 2 Green Team Final Report: Rooms North of the Courtyard of the Byzantine House   
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