[Agora Deposit] U 13:2: Fill under room 7, Library of Pantainos Stoa

Fill under Room 7, library of Pantainos Stoa coin deposit I. Packing beneath original floor.ca. 100 A.D. (Floor A) II. Packing beneath second major floor. ca. 125-130 A.D. or later (Floor D) A. Walker ... deposit I. Packing beneath ... 125-130 A.D. or later (Floor D)


[Agora Deposit] I 12:3: Pyre in Horos Terrace Trench, West End, Set in Strosis 5

Pyre in Horos Terrace Trench, East end, set into Strosis 5. In room 1 (court), near north wall. Concentration in stratum, no pit discerned; described as a "little nest of pots" within layer V (Lot ΜΣ ... 350-325 B.C ... I 12:3 ... I 12:3


[Agora Deposit] N 16:3: Disturbed Urn Cremation

Homer A. Thompson ... Cremation burial (trench-and-hole) under S. edge of E-W Street, northern burial. In some records as Grave XLVII. The western part of the offering trench of the tomb was lost to a Turkish cess pit, and ... Middle Geometric I ... Agora XXXVI, Tomb 22, pp. 217-220, figs. 2.23, 2.24, 2.129, 2.130.