[Agora Deposit] H-I 14:1: Kleiner Coin Deposit III

Hellenistic fill South of Middle Stoa near NW corner of Heliaea. This fill contained material later in date than that which made up the middle Stoa Building Fill. Only the coins (and a few amphora handles ... To ca. 140 B.C ... Hesperia 57 (1988), pp. 89-90, fig. 1.


[Agora Deposit] T-U 19-20: Investigations in the Area of Archaic Temple

Investigations in the area of Archaic Temple Added by E.V June 1963 ΕΛ 324-331. In the annual report for 1959 both the building of the temple itself, and the red limestone addition are dated in the early ... First half of 6th c. B.C. - early 5th c. B.C ... Agora Guide, pp. 92-93, p. 89, fig. 19 (plan).


[Agora Deposit] J 1:15: Probable Well

Brian Martens ... Located in the southern section of Room I, now bound by the scarp of Wall U at the north,, the scarp of Wall L at the east,, and a modern pit at the south. At its now low elevations, excavated in the 2015 ... Third quarter of 5th c. B.C ... Hesperia 89 (2020), p. 626 (noted).


[Agora Deposit] F 16:4: Urn Cremation

Dorothy Burr Thompson ... Grave 2. Urn cremation (trench-and-hole). In some records as XXIII. Variously labeled as grid 7/Δ, 7/Γ and 7/Γ-Δ. Rectangular pyre trench cut through earth into bedrock, with only the lowest 0.04m surviving ... Transitional Late Protogeometric/Early Geometric I ... 283. Negs. ΣΤ 86, 89, 91,


[Agora Deposit] A 14:1: Early Roman Well

Extract from notebook ΠΘ XIX, pp. 3644-3646. Well at 105/ΝΗ (report on sorting of pottery, July 19, 1951 - H.S. Robinson). "Not a useful well" HSR. Well dug to 1.50m., vi/9/36; dug from 1.50m. to bottom ... Early Roman; use fillings of 2nd. c. B.C. and 1st. and 4th. c. A.D.; dumped filling of late 4th. c. (HSR) Fill I: 2nd. c. B.C. Fill II-V: to second half of 4th. c. A.D. Fill VI: mixed to Byzantine ... XX lamps (L 2988-89 ... Subdivisions: (PAF/data mgmt) .1= Fill I = 22.80 (bottom)-22.25m. .2= Fill II =