"Collection","Type","Icon","Title","Chronology","Date","UserLevel","Name","Id" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-286::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 286 (268).png::1438::2048","L. Deubner, Attische Feste, pp. 174-176; IG II², 676; IG II², 689; Agora 3, p. 29, no. 43; Agora 15, p. 101; Diogenes Laertius, 10.15; PA 12339; Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xix; Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 286, note 14; IG II², 3083; Agora 15, 80; Meritt, Hesperia 7, 1938, p. 131; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 37; Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 284; Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 233, Historia 26, 1977, p. 174; Hesperia 23, 1954, pp. 309-312; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 151; Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 46 and 195; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 150; Hesperia 33, 1964, p. 5; Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 161-166","","22 April 1954","","Agora 16, s. 286, p. 268","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-286" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-472::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 472 (454).png::1438::2048","ID 2610, line 34; ID 2070, 2125; IG II², 1135; H.B. Mattingly, Historia 20, 1971, p. 45; IG II², iv, 1, pp. 22-23; Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 223- and 276; Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 31; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 200; W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxxiv; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 238; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 186; Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, p. 236; B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 30, 1961, pp. 229-230, no. 29, with photograph pl. 41; SEG XXI, 536; S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 202, fig. 33; S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, pp. 201-203; L. Robert, Ἀρχ. Ἐφ., 1969, p. 10; B. Hemberg, Die Kabiren, 1950, pp. 288-290; L. Robert, Ἀρχ. Ἐφ., 1969, pp. 10-11; B. Hemberg, Die Kabiren, 1950, 68-69, 85-86, 306","","23 April 1948","","Agora 16, s. 472, p. 454","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-472" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-15-145::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 015/Agora 015 145 (133).png::1458::2048","S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 91; Meritt, The Athenian Year, p. 235; Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. 113; G.A. Stamires, Hesperia, 26, 1957, pp. 244-245","","","","Agora 15, s. 145, p. 133","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-15-145" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-411::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 411 (393).png::1438::2048","Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, p. 239; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 181; A.E. Samuel, Greek and Roman Chronology, 1972, p. 218; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 236; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 23; Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xxviii; Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 94; Meritt, Historia 26, p. 181; W.K. Pritchett, Hesperia 16, 1947, pp. 188-191, no. 94, with photograph pl. XXXIX; B.D. Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 201, note 17; SEG XXI, 447; Agora 15, 170; Agora 15, 187; SEG XVIII, 106; IG II², 1328; PA 7587; W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Secretaries, p. 55; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 256-257; W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 170-171, 188-189; J. Kirchner, IG II² , iv, 1, pp. 18-19; Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 29; W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxviii; Pritchett and O. Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 75; Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 95; Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 144-145 and 236","","20 May 1937","","Agora 16, s. 411, p. 393","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-411" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-409::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 409 (391).png::1438::2048","IG II², 6860; IG II², 1219 and 1221; IG II², 956; A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 41-42; IG II², 1327; O. Broneer, Hesperia 11, 1942, pp. 250-264 and 273-274; Agora 3, pp. 81-82, no. 224; Agora 14, p. 152, with note 178; D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica, 508/7-ca. 250 B.C., 1986, p. 384, no. 80, p. 362; D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica, 508/7-ca. 250 B.C., 1986, p. 443 no. 293; SEG XLII, 116; Papyrus Herculansis 1780; W. Crönert, Kolosse und Menedemos, 1906, pp. 83 and 87; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 289-290; B.D. Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 238; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 188; J. Kirchner, IG II², iv, 1, pp. 22-23; S. Dow, Prytaneis, pp. 120-124, no. 64; Agora 15, 194; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 256-257; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, p. 222; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 188; W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xxvii; W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. Xxvii; W.K. Pritchett and Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 85; Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 94; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 236; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 181; C. Habicht, Studien, pp. 168, 177; Meritt, Tapa 95, 1964, p. 239","","","","Agora 16, s. 409, p. 391","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-409" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-261::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 261 (243).png::1438::2048","S.B. Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion, 1989, pp. 75-81; Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 67-68; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 50 and 54; IG II², 697; Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 313; W.K. Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology, p. xvii; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 232; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 172","","","","Agora 16, s. 261, p. 243","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-261" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-470::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 470 (452).png::1438::2048","S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 252; IG II², 1028; S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 238; Fouilles de Delphes III, ii, no. 70; Syll³, 705; R.K. Sherk, Roman Documents from the Greek East, 1969, pp. 86-93, no. 15; IG II², 1012, lines 1-2; PA 8986; J. Pouilloux, Forteresse, p. 176; IG II², 1012, lines 3-4; PA 12627; J. Pouilloux, Forteresse, p. 179; ID 2610; ID 2229, 2614, 2060; IG II², iv, 1, pp. 22-23; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 225, 228-229, 275-276; W.S. Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 31; S. Dow, Hesperia 4, 1935, p. 78; Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 174-175, 200; W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxxiv; Pritchett and O. Neugebauer, Calendars, p. 87; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 238; H.B. Mattingly, Historia 20, 1971, pp. 44-45; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 186; IG II², 1012, lines 4-6; B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 30, 1961, p. 229, no. 28, with photograph pl. 41; SEG XXI, 535; J. and L. Robert, REG 75, 1962, p. 145, no. 107; L. Robert, Ἀρχ. Ἐφ., 1969, pp. 7-14, no. II","","28 March 1950","","Agora 16, s. 470, p. 452","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-470" "Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-399::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 399 (381).png::1438::2048","IG II², 897; Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 115; IG II², 1314 and 1315; IG II², 2323; SEG XXV, 194, lines 269-270; IG II², 1328; IG II², 2332; PA 5121; W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 255-256 et alibi; W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, p. 187; J. Kirchner, IG II², iv, 1, pp. 18-19; W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. xxvii; W.K. Pritchett and B.D. Meritt, Chronology, p. Xxvii; Agora 15, 182; Agora 15, p. 119; Meritt, Hesperia 26, 1957, p. 94; Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 236; Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, p. 239; Meritt, Historia 26, 1977, p. 181; C. Habicht, Studien, p. 177; Ferguson, Athenian Tribal Cycles, p. 29; Meritt, Athenian Year, pp. 182, 236","","","","Agora 16, s. 399, p. 381","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-399"