[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2016 by Kaitlyn Stiles (2016-05-04 to 2016-06-25): Session II and III Final Report: Interior of the Church in Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter

Introduction: This is the finalreport of the second and third sessions for the excavation of the interior of the church in Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter of the Temple E, southeast area. Guy Sanders ... woman, oriented W-E, laid ... are oriented W-E and are ... so that it was oriented in

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Nathan T. Arrington and Andrew (Drew) W. Sweet (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-23): Early, Middle and Late Roman contexts in Rooms E and F and the two rooms north of Rooms E and F

We, Nathan Arrington (NTA) and Drew Sweet (AWS), excavated North of Nezi between April 8, 2008 and April 22, 2008, focusing on the eastern area, in Room E, a “corridor” north of Room E, and a room north ... earlier wall oriented N-S ... construction technique: dressed