[Corinth Basket] NB83 B25 P9

Basket/zembil 83 25 9 East wall trench south We continued the trench of the east wall southward beyond the wall running east and west which I mention on last page, and found at a distance of 2 m. an other ... 1916/05/31 ... NB83 B25 P9

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B77 P28

Basket/zembil 83 77 28 House M, height of north wall We also dug a trench at each end of the north wall of the same megaron, to find the height of the wall. At the east end it is ca. 58 cm, at the west ... 1916/06/20 ... We also dug a trench at each end of the north wall of the same megaron, to

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B22 P18

Basket/zembil 84 22 18 Heavy wall (?), east end of hill In the course of the morning I moved the two men from wall w to east end of the hill where there is some slight indication at one point of the presence ... 1916/06/06 ... NB84 B22 P18

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B43 P33

Basket/zembil 84 43 33 House K, section N We are now clearing section (N). Quite a number of sherds just above or in this stone pavement. [Nakassis: the elevation is based on that given for the stone ... 1916/06/13 ... NB84 B43 P33

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B102 P66

Basket/zembil 84 102 66 J VIII VIII 1.40-1.55 Largely coarse. Yellow Minyan is characteristic. Fair number of Mattmalerei. Very few painted Mycenaean. Only a few red and black lustral ... 1916/06/29 ... NB84 B102 P66

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B105 P68

Basket/zembil 84 105 68 J XI J XI 1.90-2.10 Amount of sherds very great. Generally coarse. A few bits of better painted. 1 or 2 light on dark. Some Mattmalerei red and black ... 1916/06/30 ... J XI 1.90-2.10 Amount of sherds very great. Generally coarse. A few bits of

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B125 P80

Basket/zembil 84 125 80 Pit, W half of rear room of M East Alley. Georg Politop. spent most of day pastrepsying. Then he began to sink a new pit in west half of rear chamber of (M). [Nakassis: this ... 1916/07/04 ... NB84 B125 P80

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B128 P81

Basket/zembil 84 128 81 L IV, enlargment L IV 0.60-0.80 LM III early I think in the main but include some LM II sherds. A few 2 or 3 look like Ephyraean ... LH III ... NB84 B128 P81