Red Figure Cup: Inscribed3 June 1954 
Addenda and Corrigenda, p. 1135 to ARV1 80-81
Addenda and Corrigenda, p. 1135 to ARV¹ 80-81
ARV² 135 [a]
Addenda 177
ARV² 133, 10-11
ARV² 133, 9
Pottery and Glass (November 1954), p. 349
H.A. Thompson, Hesperia 24, 1955, pp. 64-66, fig. 4 and pl. 30
M. Robertson, AJA 62, 1958, pls. 6, 7, figs 1-5
Guide (1962), p. 161 and pl. 16
D.B. Thompson, An Ancient Shopping Center (Agora Picture Book 12), Princeton 1971, fig. 67 (I)
Agora 24, pl. 87
Beck, Album, pl. 60:307 (I)
ARFV: Archaic, fig. 48
Guide (1976), p. 245, fig. 128
C. Cardon, AJA 83, 1979, pls. 22:1, 23:4, 5, 24:8, 25:12
G. Pinney, AJA 85, 1981, pl. 30:5 (I)
D.C. Kurtz, JHS 103, 1983, pls. 3, 4
LIMC I, 1981, p. 178, no. 830, pl. 138 (A), s.v. Achilleus
S. Roberts, Hesperia 55, 1986, p. 18, fig. 10:25
S. Roberts, Hesperia 55, 1986, p. 23, fig. 13:25 and pl. 4:25
J. McK Camp, The Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens, London 1986, pl. 8, pop. p. 135 (I)
LIMC III, 1986, p. 460, no. 428, pl. 349 (B), s.v. Dionysos
LIMC III, 1986, p. 782, no. 310 s.v. Eos
Human Figure, pp. 142-145, cat. no. 51
Robertson, AVP, p. 83, fig. 72 (A)
M. Kilmer, Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases, London 1993, cat. no. R 351.1
ARV² 206, 132
Paralip. 343, 132
Addenda 194
A. Kossatz-DeissmannLIMC I, 1981, pp. 175-181, s.v. Achilleus
ARV² 213, 242
Paralip. 344, 242
Addenda 196
AJA 62, 1958, pp. 55-66
The Berlin Painter (Melbourne 1964), pp. 1, 12, 13
Corinth VII, iii, G.R. Edwards, Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Princeton 1975
Corinth XII, G.R. Davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952
F. Courby, Les vases grecs
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I. Scheibler, Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, XI, Griechische Lampen, Berlin 1976
Kleiner, Athenian Bronze Coin as Given in Kleiner I, pp. 3-8, 38, Table IV
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