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Agora 29.1, s. 265, p. 226Lagynos
Pierobon, 1979
Leroux, 1913, pp. 73-79
Zahn, 1908, pp. 70-71
Anderson, 1954, p. 156
Athenaios 7.276a-c, 11.499b-e
Anth. Gr. 6.229, 248
Plutarch, Quaest. conv. 1.614e-f
Anth. Gr. 6.248
Zahn, 1908, no. 32, pp. 68-69, fig. 32 on p. 73
PF II, F 43, pp. 106, 115, pl. 45
CVA, Stuttgart 1 [Germany 26], pl. 40 [1252]:2
Leroux, 1913, no. 51, p. 33
Ancient Macedonia, no. 369, p. 396
Masson, 1984, pp. 230-233
Stesichoros, 11.499b-c, e
Plutarch, de garr. 509d
Grenfell and Hunt, 1914, no. 1294, line 6, pp. 247-248
AA [JdI 44] 1929, cols. 204-208, fig. 5 in col. 202
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, 1962, no. 50, p. 39, pl. 21
G.R. Edwards, 1965, pp. 18-19
Grace, 1949, p. 180
Grace, 1956b, pp. 166-167, pl. 73
PF II, pp. 10-13
Labraunda II, i, pp. 18-19
Leroux, 1913
I.R. Metzger, 1973, nos. 179, 180, p. 78, pl. 19
Δελτ 20, 1965, B' 1 [1967], p. 33, pl. 33:β
Kokkou-Buridi, 1982, nos. 107, 108, p. 55, fig. 7, pl. ΛΑ
I.R. Metzger, 1994, pp. 78-79, pls. 36, 37
Bruneau, 1970, nos. 58.4, 59.29, 85.1, 185.16, 188.1, pp. 459-461, 471, 487, 498, 504, figs. 61, 87, 88, 139, 140, 162, 175, 176, 208, 209
Bommelaer and Granjean, 1972, pp. 190-191, fig. 56:a
Kyriakou, 1994, pp. 191-192, pls. 135-137, 140:γ
Δελτ 17, 1961-1962, B' [1963], no. 9, pp. 98-99, pl. 103:β
Δελτ 24, 1969, B' 1 [1971], p. 142, pl. 140:δ
BCH 94, 1970, p. 996, fig. 230:c on p. 1002
Kaltsas, 1990, no. 15, p. 12, pl. 15
BCH 78, 1954, p. 221, fig. 5
Zapheiropoulou and Hatzidakis, 1994, p. 244-245, pls. 195, 199, 200:a
Pagenstecher, 1913, pp. 31-32, fig. 38
Pappa, 1994, p. 97, fig. 3
CVA, Sèvres [France 13], p. 49, pl. 24 [553]:23
Homann-Wedeking, 1950, p. 189, pl. 15:D
Δελτ 21, 1966, B' 2 [1968], p. 336, pl. 358:η
Δελτ 29, 1973-1974, B' 3 [1980], pp. 798, 841, pls. 587:a, 632:ε, στ
Belin de Ballu, 1972, p. 115, pl. XXXVIII
Mirmeki I, p. 69, fig. 83
AA [JdI 22], 1907, no. 16, cols. 137-139, figs. 8, 9
Makhneva, 1967, pp. 253-256
Apollonia, no. 373, p. 173, pls. 97, 98
Samos XIV, pp. 115, 121, 155-156, figs. 189:A, 203:F, 251
Agora 29.1, s. 305, p. 266Young, 1951b, no. 9:2, p. 125, pl. 52:c
H.A. Thompson, 1934, A 39, pp. 321-322, fig. 6
Braun, 1994, no. 102, p. 33, pls. 5:ε, 9:α
Young, 1951b, no. 14:2, p. 130, pl. 54:b
Shear, 1984, p. 46, note 94, pl. 11:a
Rotroff, 1990a, p. 177, pl. 24:3
Webster, 1960, C 11 b, p. 283, pl. 68
Webster, 1969, p. 56, under AV 4
 275 B.C.
250 B.C.
260 B.C.
260-250 B.C.
250-240 B.C.
250-225 B.C.
Agora 8, s. 72, p. 58Délos, XV, pl. X, 37-39
Flat Bottomed Oinochoe; Argive Monochrome
Jug; East Greek
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, pp. 28ff., graves 47, 11
Trefoil Oinochoe; Argive Monochrome
Ath. Mitt., LXXII, 1957, pl. 63, 2 and 3
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 156, inv. 297
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, pp. 28ff., graves 27 and 70
Amphora; East Greek Gray Ware
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, pl. 46
Brann F 80
Mycenae, B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, pl. 46
Ath. Mitt., XXVIII, 1903, pp. 28, 211, Beil. XXXVIII, 1
Brann F 78
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 139, fig. 8
Unguent Pot
Chalice; Chian
Brann G 54
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 134, pl. 6
A.J.A., LXII, 1958, p. 261, pl. 59, fig. 12,4
Délos, XVII, pl. LII, 2
Unguent Pot; Egyptian
Aryballos; Argive Monochrome
Young XXV 4
Délos, XVII, pl. LXIV, nos. 1-10
Squat Trefoil Oinochoe; Argive Monochrome
CVA Copenhagen 1, I B, pl. 13
C.H.E. Haspels, Attic Black-Figured Lekythoi, Paris, 1936, p. 126
Εφ. Αρχ., 1898, p. 92, fig. 21
Mylonas, Eleusis Amphora, p. 5, fig. 4
Ath. Mitt., XXVIII, 1903, Beil. V, 2
W. S. Smith, Ancient Egypt, Boston, 1952, p. 151, fig. 92
Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 88-89, pls. 39, a, 1, 41, a 5-7
 Late 7th-Early 6th B.C.
1st half of 7th B.C.
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I 236Record Fragments(ΣΤ 604) 11 May 1932 a) (Κ 1350) 16 July 1947 b) (Κ 22) 22 January 1934 c) (ΘΘ 5) 18 December 1936 c) (ΙΙ 242b) March 1938 d) (ΘΘ 30) 30 December 1936 d) (ΘΘ 44) 17 January 1937 d) )ΙΙ 133) 7-8 March 1938 d) (ΒΒ 341) 13 May 1939 e) (ΘΘ 43) 17 January 1937 f) (ΘΘ 49) 18 January 1937 g) (ΙΙ 1) 9 November 1936 g) (ΘΘ 207) 12 May 1937 h) (ΘΘ 88) 30 January 1937 i) (ΘΘ 109) 15 April 1937 j) (ΙΙ 115) 13 April 1937 k) ( II 123) 16 April 1937 l) (Σ 1469) 28 April 1937 m) (ΑΑ 65) 9 February 1938 n) (ΙΙ 271) 14 March 1938 o) (ΙΙ 323) 21 March 1938 p) (ΙΙ 416) 30 April 1938 q) (ΒΒ 26) 27 September 1938 r) (ΒΒ 27) 28 September 1938 s) (ΒΒ 38) 7 October 1938 t) (ΘΘ 311) 1 March 1939 u) (ΒΒ 174) 27 March 1939 v) (ΒΒ 204) 6 April 1939 w) (ΒΒ 263) 28 April 1939 x) (ΒΒ 285) 4 May 1939 y) (ΒΒ 315) 10 May 1939 z) (ΒΒ 379) 19 May 1939 aa) (ΕΛ 5) 6 April 1959 bb) (ΕΛ 40) 23 April 1959 cc) (ΕΛ 87) 25 May 1959 dd) (ΕΛ 115) 3 June 1959  
 Agora XXX, no. 1407  Ca. 510-500 B.C. 
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Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1953-54, Part 2, p. 146, figs. 1-2 and pl. 1, 1-2
Archaeologia, Warsaw, XV, 1964, p. 195, fig. 31
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Archivo de prehistória levantina, Valencia, V, 1954, p. 164, 5 and p. 165, 6
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 99, fig. 171
Ashmolean Museum: Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts, 1912-1966, London, 1967 [Beazley Gifts 1912-1966], pl. 58, 414, 415, 420
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 105, fig. 179
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 106, fig. 181 α-β
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 112, fig. 187
Archivo de prehistória levantina, Valencia, V, 1954, p. 171, fig. 14
Ashmolean Museum: Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts, 1912-1966, London, 1967 [Beazley Gifts 1912-1966], pl. 60, 440
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, I, 1915, Παράρτημα, p. 40, fig. 17, 1-4
Archivo de prehistória levantina, Valencia, X, 1963, p. 120, fig. 21, 83
The Athenian Agora, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, IV, R.H. Howland, Greek Lamps and their Survivals, 1958
Archivo storico per la Sicilia, Ser. III, vol. I, Palermo, 1947
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, II, 1916, pp. 205-206, figs. 24-25
Arias, P.E. and Hirmer, M., translated and revised by Brian B. Shefton, A History of Greek Vase Painting, London, 1962, pl. 44, 224 XVI
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, X, 1926, Παράρτημα, p. 19, fig. 2 left
The Athenian Agora, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, V, H.S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period: Chronology, Princeton, 1959, pls. 2 and 19 (F 64), 18 (M 39), 38 (G 123)
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XII, 1929, p. 204, fig. 13
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XV, 1933-35, p. 20, fig. 5 right
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XVI, 1960, Χρονικά, pl. 28, top middle, 28, above, 66 c, 113
Arkheologiia, Bulgarska, academia na naukite, Sofia, Arkeologicheski Institut, III, 1961, I, p. 58, fig. 6, center at left
The Athenian Agora, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, VII, J. Perlzweig, Lamps of the Roman Period, Princeton, 1961
The Athenian Agora, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, VIII, E.T.H. Brann, Late Geometric and Protoattic Pottery, Princeton, 1962, p. 107, fig. 7, pl. 5, 81, 95, pl. 6, 100-101, pl. 7, 110-111, 111, 120-121, pl. 8, 147-148, pl. 10, 176, pl. 11, 203, 210, 211, 212
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XVIΙ, 1961-1962, Χρονικά, pl. 26 δ, 210 ξ
Ars Antiqua Auktion IV, Lucerne December, 7 1962, pl. 44, 131, pl. 47, 134
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XVIΙΙ, 1963, Χρονικά, pl. 23, 31, 50γ-δ, 161d, 223-234, 224γ, 225β, 225γ, 226β, 227α, 261ε
Art and Archaeology, Baltimore and Washington, 1914-1934, XX, 1925, p. 120, 3
Art of the Ancients, Emmerich Gallery, New York, Febr. 7-March 13, 1968, p. 12, no. 10, p. 26, no. 33
Arte antica e moderna, Bologna, 1958
The Athenian Agora, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, X, M. Lang and M. Crosby, Weights, Measures and Tokens, Princeton, 1964, pls. 15 and 34 (DM 74)
Ashmole, B. and Yalouris, N., with photographs by A. Frantz, Olympia: The Sculptures of the Temple of Zeus, London, 1967, pl. 174
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XΙΧ, 1964, Μελέται, pls. 45-49
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XΙΧ, 1964, Χρονικά, pl. 16β, 16δ, 39β, 65α, 368α, 368β
The Athenian Agora, Picture Books, Princeton, 1958, 1, B.A. Sparkes and L. Talcott, Pots and Pans of Classical Athens, Princeton, 1958, cover, title page, p. 2, figs. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 left and right, 12, 13 top and left, 15 left and right, 20 left and right, 20 right below, 22 left center and right, 23, 24 left second from left, center, second from right, right, 25 above left, above right, below left, blow center, below right, 28 left, 29 center, 30 right, 35, 36, 37, 39 left and right, 40 at back left, at back right, left, second from left, second from right, right, 42 above and below, 43 left, center and right, 44 left above, left below, center above, center below, right, 45 left and right, 48 center, second from right and right, 50, 52 above, left and center and right, 53 left, center and right, 55 above and below, 56 left and center and right, 57 right above and right below, 59 left, center and right, 62
Ashmolean Museum: Report of the Visitors, Oxford, 1948, pl. 3 between pp. 20-21
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XX, 1965, Μελέται, pls. 71 β-73
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Athens, XX, 1965, Χρονικά, pl. 757 β
 Nezi Field 2008 by Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears, Martin Wells (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)Early Modern through Late Byzantine levels in Nezi Field   
 Publications: Monographs    
 New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to 2016-08-13)Final Report on the Excavations for the ASCSA’s New Apotheke