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Agora I, E.B. Harrison, Portrait Sculpture, Princeton, 1953
Agora III, R. E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, Princeton, 1957
Agora V, V. H. S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology, Princeton, 1959
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Agora 30, s. 208, p. 189CVA, Basel 3, Schweiz 7, pl. 12, 324: 1, 2
ARV² 1073, 3
ARV² 1075, 8
Robinson, Olynthos V, pl. 65:110
CVA 5, France 8, pl. 32, 373:1, 3, 4, 6
Délos XXI, pl. 54:3
G. Pellegrini, Catalogo dei Vasi greci delle necropoli Felsinee, Bologna 1912, p. 164, fig. 95
Agora 027, p. 176, cat. no. 77, pl. 39
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 371, cat. no. CHR 32
ARV² 1075, 9
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 454, cat. no. PGU 42
ARV¹ 693, 24
ARV² 1048, 30
ARV² 1053, 35
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 368, cat. no. CHR 17
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 454, cat. no. PGU 44
ARV² 1047, 16
ARV² 1048, 38
Matheson, p. 373, cat. no. CHR 40, pl. 111
ARV² 1053, 36
ARV² 1048, 41
Addenda 321
Matheson, p. 373, cat. no. CHR 44
ARV² 1047, 10
Addenda 320
Matheson, p. 367, cat. no. CHR 11
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 454, cat. no. PGU 41
ARV² 1053, 34
Paralip. 445, 38 bis
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 455, cat. no. PGU 47
 440 B.C.
440-430 B.C.
Agora 12.2, s. 92, p. 465Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Bull. Supplement, no. 8: A.D. Trendall, Phlyax Vases
Vente Drouot, 18-20 mars 1901, Paris (Bourguignon Collection), pl. 3, 46, pl. 5, 89
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Athenaios, 11.474e
Pfrommer, 1987, pp. 3-4
Pfrommer, 1987, pp. 185-201, pls. 31, 36-40
CVA, Brussels 3 [Belgium 3], pl. 3 [138]:7, 11, 22
Δελτ 24, 1969, Β' 2 [1970], no. 13, p. 293, pl. 302:γ
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Forti, 1965, pl. XXI:a
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Wuilleumier, 1930, pp. 41-47, pls. VI
Pfrommer, 1987, pp. 191, 196
G.D. Weinberg, 1961, no. 17, p. 392, fig. 3
Agora 12, no. 666, p. 283, fig. 7, pl. 28
Kopcke, 1964, no. 244, p. 48
Thompson and Scranton, 1943, p. 334, note 56, d, fig. 15 on p. 294, and pp. 333-340
Grace, 1956b, no. 70, p. 141
Grace, 1963, p. 324
Grace, 1974, p. 198, note 19
H.A. Thompson, 1982, p. 146, note 44
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Romiopoulou, 1967, no. 464, p. 100, fig. 9:γ
Romiopoulou, 1967, no. 463, p. 101, fig. 10:α
Agora 29.1, s. 411, p. 372Cistern
CVA, Museé Scheurleer 2 [Netherlands 2], p. 11, pl. 4, [86]:13, 13, 14
Nicole, 1911, no. 1158, p. 270, pl. XXI
Baur, 1922, no. 498, pp. 237-238, fig. 106
Drougou, 1991, p. 156
Délos XVIII, no. 684, p. 256, pl. LXXXI
Priene, nos. 98, 99, p. 426, figs. 540, 549
Paphos III, no. 21, pp. 150-151, fig. II:24
H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 58, p. 398, fig. 86
Theochares and Chourmouziades, 1970, pp. 204-205, fig. 2
Lippolis, 1990, no. 3, p. 62
Giardino, 1990, p. 121, pl. XXV:H
G.R. Edwards, 1957, pp. 345-346, under no. 40
Williams, 1977, no. 3, p. 68, pl. 24
 200-190 B.C.
150-110 B.C.
225-175 B.C.
200-150 B.C.
3rd-early 2nd B.C.
3rd B.C.
Agora 29.1, s. 450, p. 411H.A. Thompson, 1934, B 26, p. 339, fig. 19
Agora 12, p. 275, under no. 561
Kabirion III, no. 218, p. 133, pl. 12, no. 171, p. 132, pl. 9
Bohtz and Albert, 1975, no. 28a, p. 516, fig. 53
PF VI, p. 17, Group E
Eretria II, pls. 36-40
Demetrias I, pls. XVII-XXI
Kabirion III, nos. 126-129, p. 131, pl. 8, no. 128
Samos XIV, p. 157, fig. 256:F
Hadjimichali, 1971, p. 207, fig. 42
Corinth VII, iii, no. 129, p. 40, pl. 45
Callaghan, 1978a, no. 83, p. 20, pl. 6
PF VI, no. 71, p. 218, pls. 4, 10, 38
 225-190 B.C.
320-240 B.C.
3rd-1st B.C.
325-275 B.C.
115-90 B.C.
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Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LII, 1932, p. 69, fig. 11, p. 190, fig. 16
Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LXXXII, 1962, Sparkes, The Greek Kitchen, p. 128, fig. 2, pls. IV, V, VI, VII
Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LVI, 1936, p. 143, fig. 5, pp. 205-215, figs. 2-13
Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LXXXV, 1965, pls. XXIX-XXX, XXX, 1-2, 3, 4
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Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LIX, 1939, p. 13, 37, p. 16, 43, p. 18, 49, p. 21, 54, pl. XIc
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Chicago, from 1942
Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen, Berlin, III, 1961, pp. 118-119, 123, fig. 8
Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, XXIV, 1961, p. 51, fig. 11
Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, LXXX, 1960, pl. III, 3, 5-6, pl. IV, 1 and 3
Karo, G., An Attic Cemetery, Philadelphia, 1943, pl. 35, 1
Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Berlin, VI, 1891, p. 64, pl. 2
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Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Berlin, LXI-LXII, 1946-1947, pl. 10, 26-27, pl. 11-13
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Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Berlin, Supplement XXI, 1963
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Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Instituts, Vienna, XXVII, 1932, pp. 11-19
Jeffery, L.H., The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, Oxford, 1961, pls. 1, 9, 47, 65, 66, 67
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Johnson, F.P., The Farwell Collection, Cambridge, 1953, figs. 73 and 75, XXI.7
Journal of Classical Studies, Corning, N.Y., from 1959
Kunstwerke der Antiken, ed., E. Berger, (Käppeli Collection), Basle, n.d. D 2 (inv. 420)
Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, XVIII, 1898, pls. XVI and XVII, 1
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Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, XXIX, 1909, pl. XXIIIb
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