 Corinth XV.1The Potters' Quarter1948  
 Nezi Field 2007 by Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, Kris Lorenzo (2007-04-09 to 2007-05-18)Frankish to Modern Strata in the Southern End of Nezi Field   
 Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Danielle Smotherman and Tim Brannelly (2015-05-04 to 2015-05-22)2015 Session II, Frankish activity in Unit 2, Room 9   
 Temple E, Southeast 2016 by Kaitlyn Stiles (2016-05-04 to 2016-06-25)Session II and III Final Report: Interior of the Church in Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter   
 New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to 2016-08-13)Final Report on the Excavations for the ASCSA’s New Apotheke   
 E 14:7.2Lower fill12-20 June 19371st-early 2nd c. A.D. 
G-H 5:1Filling13-25 July 1931 29 February-12 March 19324th.-early 2nd. B.C. 
 H 8-10Fillings27 April-28 May 1933 21-24 March 1934 3-27 April 1934 18 May 1935 26 March-7 April 1938 14-20 April 1938 27-28 April 1938 26 June 19388th-6th c. B.C.