[Agora Lot] ΒΔ 89: Greek House γ; Layer 11 of Room 5 (West)

Second quarter of 5th B.C ... ΒΔ 89 ... Lot ΒΔ 89

[Agora Lot] Δ 89: Well at 24/ΙΓ; Main Mass of Fill

Fragments of unglazed water jars ... Late 6th-early 5th B.C ... Late 6th-early 5th B.C.

[Agora Lot] ΜΜ 89

1st B.C.- 1st A.D ... 1st B.C.- 1st A.D.

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1358: Black fill under wall 7

El. 86.74-85.90. Late 11th c. AD mixed with 6th c. AD ... El. 86.74-85.90. Late 11th c. AD mixed with 6th c. AD.

[Corinth Lot] BONE LOT 1962 012: Remains adult male and infant/young child, Burial Cavity X (Tomb X)

Remains of an adult male and an infant or young child. From Roman tomb Burial Cavity X (Tomb X) near Irrigation Ditch, SE of city. Dated to the middle of the 1st c. AD. Excavated 1962 ... Remains adult male and infant/young child, Burial Cavity X (Tomb X)