[Agora Deposit] M 20:1: Cistern

Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus. Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above. Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); ... Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] M 20:1.2: Middle fill

Dump, Sullen clean-up. Coins: 9 February 1937 #6-#10 10 February 1937 #11-#13 11 February 1937 #16-#20 ... First quarter 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] M 23:1: Cistern in NW Corner of Byzantine Building

Chamber of water system with one blind tunnel and two cisterns connected by tunnel. Pottery consistent throughout, late Hellenistic. Late 2nd c. B.C. Ten stamped amphora handles. Most of bowls long-petal ... 100-75 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] N 20:4: Mask Cistern

Dumped fillings thrown in during second quarter of 1st c. B.C. containing mostly debris resulting from Sulla's sack in 86 B.C. Agora XXIX, p. 464: Four fills distinguished during excavations ... but seemingly ... Late 2nd c. and early 1st c. B.C. POU; 110-75 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 12:2: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. The filling of the 46/ΙΑ cistern shaft, with the exception of a little Roman at the top, was the same as the bottom fill of 44/ΙΓ - late Hellenistic, running ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 15:3: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.-86 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] E 18:7: Well

Large tile-lined well in SW Bath, Room A4. The top had been sealed with ca. 1.30m of concrete, and the floor to carry the hypocaust columns of the room in Phase C had been carried over it. The well was ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 9:3: Water Channel

Water channel in scarp above Bouleuterion Plateia; north passage, from mouth ... Latest 2nd or early 1st c. B.C.