[Corinth Basket] NB338 P101

Deposit 338 101 NB338 P101 Grave XIX, near left knee ... Mid 5th c. B.C.

[Corinth Basket] NB250

250 NB250 Lot 1990 Lot 1985 NB250 Lot 1991 NB 250 Lot 1990 NB250 Lot 1993 Lot 1998 MT:Area D, red earth floor MT Room D burnt layer over floor Area D, dumped fill over area MT: Area D. burnt layer Area ... mid 6th c. B.C.


[Corinth Basket] NB250 B5 P20

Basket/zembil 250 5 20 NB250 P20 B5 Lot 1982 MT Trapezoidal Building, west of wall 12, burnt pocket around pithos rim = Trapezoidal Building, Room 2, construction fill ... Early 3rd c. B.C.

[Corinth Basket] NB513

Deposit 513 Lot XXXX-6847 Lot 6847 NB513 Lot XXXX-6828 Good finds from discarded baskets (1971 burnt notebooks), area of Buildings L-M:28 to M-N:20-26, Room 4 Miscellaneous finds from discarded baskets ... contexts Archaic to Roman

[Corinth Basket] NB264 B2 P195

Basket/zembil 264 2 195 Lot 2480 Coarseware. lekane. 1 rim. 1 bodysherd. (#1) w/ type 5 mortar rim; Fineware. Hellenistic, echinus bowl. 1 complete profile. small fully glazed; Fineware. Hellenistic, salt ... late 4th to early 3rd c. BC

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B38 P219

Basket/zembil 81 38 219 Trench I, N V N V 1.05-1.15. Several bits of good Mycenaean. A few of mattmalerei and some Urfirnis. In N at depth of 1.15 is a definite strosis in SE part central part of ... LH II

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B92 P32

Basket/zembil 83 92 32 East Alley V, mid section We next cut away another level of 10 cm in both middle sect. and south sect. This is level V and goes from 90 cm down to 1 meter. The pieces on the whole ... LH II

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B93 P32

Basket/zembil 83 93 32 East Alley V, S section We next cut away another level of 10 cm in both middle sect. and south sect. This is level V and goes from 90 cm down to 1 meter. The pieces on the whole ... LH II