[Agora Deposit] N 20:1.2: POU

Containers 15-37. Masses of pots, largely water jars; fragments of Pergamene; Samian B; brittle ware; ER unguentaria. The following finds on deposit list as bottom fill (.2) are from depths of level .1: ... First half of 1st c. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] N 20:2: Cistern

Construction filling of well N 20:3 which was dug through this cistern; a few later sherds at upper levels may result from late repairs to well tiling. Coins: 6 April 1938 #14-#15 8 April 1938 #4 Some ... Second half 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] N 21:4.1: Upper fill

'Mouth and upper passage' on deposit list. Containers 1 and 2. Pottery in mouth of cistern in upper tunnel. Coins: 5 May 1939 #1 9 May 1939 #10-#11 12 May 1939 #4 ... 1st c. with earlier material

[Agora Deposit] O-P 6:1: Drain Fill

Area I; layer I. Soft, loose destruction fill of Street Drain in front of Greek House δ. Represents closing of drain in preparation for construction of Basilica. Top elevation 55.40m at west, 55.96m at ... 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] P 10:2.2: Lower fill

Terminus post quem of ca. 240 provided by amphora handle ... 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] P 16:2: Kiln (Pit) at 110/ΛΘ

Kiln (pit) at 110/ΛΘ. Debris in a metal working pit in the area of the Mint. Lot Τ 26e and T 27 ... 1st century A.D.

[Agora Deposit] P 18:1.2: Lower fill

Containers 53 (transitional)-69. Coins: 20 May 1938 #6 21 May 1938 #1 26 May 1938 #1-#2 ... Early Roman 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] Q 13:1: Manhole

Dumped fill in a shaft which served as means of access leading to a water channel south of the Stoa of Attalos. Coins: 29 June 1933 #1 (disintegrated) 29 April 1936 #1-#3 4 May 1936 #1 ... Early 1st c. A.D.