2004.04.0057 (2003-17-05)North-South Road (A) in center, Roman threshold (B) within Wall G (C), area of modern bothros (D) north of Wall H, Room 3 with tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 (F). Bottom right, foundation blocks (G) under Wall F (now removed).August 2003  
2004.04.0031 (2002-24-07)Bothros area (A) north of Wall H (B). Tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 (C). Pit formed by removal of Pithos F (D), Room 3 (E), Wall E (F), Wall F (G) and Wall G (H). North-South Road (I) at top. Plaster-lined pit (J), Room 2 (K) and Wall D (L) at top right corner. End of season.7 Aug 2002  
NB977 B18 P53 2006/04/276 c. npd 
2004.04.0030 (2002-24-05)Bottom left corner: Wall H (A), tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 (C) and pit formed by removal of Pithos F (D). To the right, Room 3 (B) and Wall E (K). In center, from left to right: North-South Road (F), Wall G (G), plaster lined pit (I) and Wall F (E). Above, Room 2 (H), Wall L (curving wall) (J) and Pithos A (L). End of season.7 Aug 2002  
2004.04.0028 (2002-24-02)North-South Road in center. Middle area, left to right: Room G, Room F, Roman Room A and Roman Room B. South area at bottom: Bothros area (C) north of Wall H (D), Wall G (E) and tile floor of Cistern J 2:20 in Room 3 (H). End of season.7 Aug 2002  
 AgoraPicBk 16 2003: History of the Agora    
 Nezi Field 2012 by George, Charles; Valente, Rossana (2012-06-26 to 2012-06-27)2012 Session 3 Team Blue Final Summary   
 Overview: The Excavations    
 Nezi Field 2007 by J. Matthew Harrington and Theodora Kopestonsky (2007-05-21 to 2007-06-08)Early Roman to Modern periods in the area north of Nezi field   
 Northeast of Theater 2022, Trench 16C, by Madson, Luke and James, Jesse (2022-05-30 to 2022-06-24)Northeast of Theater 16C Excavation Summary   
 South Stoa east 2016 by An Jiang and Catharine Judson (2016-04-05 to 2016-04-21)South Stoa Shop I Rear   
 Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Wesley Bennett (2015-04-21 to 2015-04-28)2015 Session I Excavations: Corridor North of the Church in Unit 2   
 South Stoa 2016 by Alexandra Daly & Thalia Parr (2016-04-05 to 2016-04-22)EXCAVATIONS OF SOUTH STOA, SHOP 2 REAR   
 Nezi Field 2013 by Katherine Harrington, Jana Mokrišová (2013-05-09 to 2007-05-24)2013 Session 1, TeamBlue, Final Summary   
 Northeast of Theater 2022, Trench 19B, by O’Connor, Kelly E. and Uritis, Catherine A. (2022-05-09 to 2022-05-27)NET Trench 19B, Session II Final Report   
 Publications: Monographs    
 Nezi Field 2008 by Nathan T. Arrington and Andrew (Drew) W. Sweet (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-23)Early, Middle and Late Roman contexts in Rooms E and F and the two rooms north of Rooms E and F   
 New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to 2016-08-13)Final Report on the Excavations for the ASCSA’s New Apotheke   
 Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Larkin Kennedy and Jody Cundy (2014-05-06 to 2014-06-27)Sessions 2-3 of 2014: Church Nave, Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter   
 Nezi Field 2009 by Martin Wells, Katie Rask (2009-06-17 to 2009-06-18)2009 Excavation summary