2012.53.1148 (LX-53)Plan and section of ceiling and profiles of coffers. On drawing A 2773 should be read A 2173.1953  
2012.54.0065 (LXIV-65)Ceiling-beam fragment with mason's mark. Pentelic marble.1954  
2012.54.0067 (LXIV-67)Ceiling-beam fragment with mason's mark. Pentelic marble.1954  
2012.27.0201 (9-82)Restored drawing of a ceiling coffer from the Temple of Ares, made on the basis of several fragments. Watercolor by Piet de Jong.1939  
PD 2030 (DA 3183)Parthenon coffer lid fragment from ΒΔ.1971  
PD 783-1953 (DA 4522)Reversed plan, section, and profiles of ceiling of Temple of Ares.1953  
PD 2026 (1) (DA 843)Parthenon coffer fragments from ΒΔ - small series.1971  
PD 2026 (1) (DA 844)Parthenon coffer fragments from ΒΔ - small series.1971