H 13:3Filling over steps of Middle Stoa and road to west23-29 March 1948 20-28 April 1948Late Hellenistic-Early Roman 
U 22:1.3Fill C. Late 2nd-earliest 3rd c. A.D. 
H-I 12:1Burnt Layers1-9 June 1951 (Ζ) 8-9 July 1947 (Θ)Mid-3rd c. A.D. 
I 16:1.1Top fill=Dump19 May-13 June 19327th c. A.D. 
O 11:1Vaulted Chamber31 July 1956Byzantine 
S 23:1Byzantine Well14-18 April 1939Byzantine 
1997.01.0241 (83-118)Reconstructed geison, plan (1:2) and section (1:1).1961  
1997.01.0257 (Leica A 1693 Leica A 1694 Leica A 1695 Leica A 1696 Leica A 1697)Geison fragments (A 1693, A 1694) and mutule fragments (A 1695-1697) found in the Long Late Roman Wall, east side of the Agora.