 Β 155Kolonos Agoraios; North Passage; Water Channel A 290; 2nd and 3rd BasketsLate Hellenistic 
 Φ 209Central House; Room X; Debris over Polygonal Wall Trench at Southeast Corner; Strosis 3 and in Trench of Plundered Polygonal WallLate Hellenistic 
 ΒΔ 254The East-West Road outside (South of) Greek House δ; Area I; Outside Room 6 at O/20-6/10,11; Layer 1; Deposit O-P 6:1; Re: Street DrainSecond half of 1st A.D. 
 ΟΟ 116Well at 79/ΛΑ in Roman Bath1st-2nd A.D. 
 Β 325Fill over Road; Layer I; Green; 6th-5th c. Fill DisturbedHellenistic-Late Roman 
 ΒΔ 250Greek House δ; Room 9 Southwest and 9 Northeast; Layer 8; Room 9; NortheastLate 6th-5th B.C. 
 ΒΔ 307Northeast Complex; Marble Paved Building and East Aisle; Construction Fill in East Aisle North of Green Lime Mortar WallLate 1st- First half of 2nd A.D. 
 ΒΔ 310Layered Fill of Foundation Trench of East Face of Soft Yellow Poros East Wall in Alley; Layer 121st-Early 2nd A.D. 
 Ζ 398Tholos Trench M; Layer II; DisturbedLate 5th B.C. - Some Hellenistic 
 Ζ 653Middle Drain; North of Building C; Loose GravelPost Sullan 
 ΛΛ 41Hellenistic House 3; Casting Pit A; Lower Filling  
 Β' 103   
 Ζ 233Tholos Trench E; West Part, Layer IIISecond Quarter of 5th - Early 3rd B.C. 
 Ζ 307Tholos Trench G; Layer I4th - 3rd B.C.- Some Late Roman intrusios 
 Ζ 320Tholos Trench H; Layer IIISecond Quarter of 5th B.C. 
 Ζ 370Tholos Trench L; Layer IILate 5th - Late 4th B.C.- Hellenistic and Roman intrusions. 
 Ζ 371Tholos Trench L; Layer IILate 5th - Late 4th B.C.- Hellenistic and Roman intrusions. 
 Ω 38Cistern at 63/ΛΑ; Lower Fill