[Agora Deposit] S 19:8: Well at 19/Λ

Well at 19/Λ. The bottom of this well contained a considerable quantity of dug bedrock which had fallen in before the well came into use; over this was a fill with oinochoae representing the POU. The presence ... 340-325 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] S 22:1: Well at 37/Α

Well at 37/Α, on the lower Acropolis slopes, west of the Panathenaic Way ... 600-550 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] T 18:1: Well

Well at 40/Λ, in the "plataia" ca. 600m north of the terrace wall and ca. 10m east of the Valerian wall. Top diameter of 1.00m, bottomm diameter 0.95m The shallowness of the shaft, and the fallen condition ... 550-500 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] T 19:1: Well at 51/ΛΖ

Continuous filling over its mouth and in it to a depth of -7.30m. Clearly the fill thrown in at the time of Archaic Building, to raise the ground level. The last few centimeters of the well represented ... 550-500 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] T 24:5: Well D in ΟΑ

Well D: Archaic Well on the northwest slope of the Acropolis. Debris filling with scanty pottery remains; most of the pottery is earlier than the lower limit. Diameter at top ca. 1.20m; bottom ca. 1.10m ... End of 6th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] U 23:2: Well I in ΟΑ

Well I: archaic. On the northwest slope of the Acropolis below the Klepsydra. Diameter ca. 1.10m. Water level ca. -9.50m. Substantial use filling in the lower 0.75m. In the upper debris filling both the ... End of 6th c. B.C. - Early Byzantine

[Agora Deposit] U 24:1: Well 3 in ΟΑ

Well 3: archaic. Diameter, top ca. 1; bottom ca. 0.90m. Water level just above ca. -10m Use filling including figured, black and plain wares. Scanty dumped filling. Upper fill-Dark Age. Middle fill/Bottom-early ... Last quarter of the 6th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 10:4: Pit

Deposit in a cutting in bedrock on Kolonos Agoraios. Sherds in container Lot ΠΘ 4a ... Probably 4th c. B.C.