
[Corinth Basket] NB943 B56 P141

Basket/zembil 943 56 141 Mass of plaster and rock in Middle Roman fill over cement floor. Dry light brown sandy silt; 50-70% pebbles of all shapes and sizes. Fineware. preroman 7; Fineware. barbatine cup ... Early Roman 1st c.


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B57 P143

Basket/zembil 943 57 143 Fill over 1st/2nd c. cement floor. Dark reddish-brown silt with some sand and clay. 10% small to large pebbles, rare cobbles; loose. Cooking ware. early roman bs 1; Cooking ware ... early roman npd; read by KWS


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B58 P145

Basket/zembil 943 58 145 Fill dumped over cement floor of pool. Dark red dry sandy silt with plaster, pottery and rocks. Fineware. ESB beaker cp 1 (saved to lot) .; Fineware. ItSig bs 2; Cooking ware ... 2nd c. AC from lamp


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B59 P147

Basket/zembil 943 59 147 Fill dumped over cement pool floor. Dark red sandy silt with plaster, pottery and rocks. Fineware. skyphos handles 2; Fineware. semiglazed bowl bs 1; Fineware. pyxis knob 1; Fineware ... 2nd c. BC


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B60 P155

Basket/zembil 943 60 155 Fill dumped over cement floor of pool. Dark reddish-brown sandy silt with 20% pebbles, sherds and plaster chunks. Fineware. roman red slip bs 1; Fineware. geom brown glazed open ... Trefoil mouth frags and roman red slip; read by KWS


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B61 P157

Basket/zembil 943 61 157 Middle Roman fill over cement floor of pool. Dark red sandy clay 20% small to medium pebbles 2% cobbles. Cooking ware. frying pan as c85-60 handle 1; Cooking ware. casserole as ... 2nd-3rd c. AC


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B62 P159

Basket/zembil 943 62 159 Fill over cement floor of pool. Dark red silty clay mixed with discrete lumps of light brown clay. 5-10% small to large pebbles, 2% small cobbles. Cooking ware. bs 4; Coarseware ... Roman 3rd-4th npd


[Corinth Basket] NB943 B63 P161

Basket/zembil 943 63 161 Fill dumped over cement floor of pool. Light brown silt. 50% chunks of cement and 5-10% pebbles. Fineware. hellenistic 17; Fineware. corinthian echinoid dish rim 1 21 frag(s) ... 2nd-3rd c.