[Agora Drawing] PD 2611-34 (DA 8372)

Hellenistic pottery for Susan Rotroff ... Tina Najbjerg ... 1989

[Agora Drawing] PD 1091-125 (DA 8464)

Profiles of Hellenistic Pottery for Roger Edwards. 1958-1959. Series [see also PD #901] ... Hero Athanassiades ... 82-574 82-574 ... 1958 1959

[Agora Deposit] I-O 15:1: Soundings below floor of South Stoa II.

The data in the Deposit Notebook is presented by trench; an attempt is made here to accumulate data from similar layers across the trenches. Subdivisions: .1=Post Hadrianic cleanup .2=Marble working waste ... 2nd c. B.C.-3rd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] J 5:1.2: Upper accumulation

Represents excavated levels II-III ... 275-150 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] M 18:2: Fill

Hellenistic Fill at 70/ΛΣΤ. Fill in irregular hollow. Pottery resembles Sullan debris, but lack of late duoviri handles suggests deposit slightly predates the sack. Coins 6 March 1937 #1-#4 ... Late 2nd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] N 21:4.2: Middle fill

'Upper fill' on deposit list. Containers 3-8. Terminus post quem in 190s given by coins. Some mixing with upper fill. Coins: 9 May 1939 #4, #6, #8 10 May 1939 #2-#3(?) 11 May 1939 #3 12 May 1939 #3 13 ... Ca. 225-175 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] O 17:7: Cistern with Cesspool in Ψ

Cistern and drawshaft connected by tunnel; used in modern times as cesspool. No stratigraphy noted, but pottery from first five boxes excavated is later than that from boxes 6-18. 11 stamped amphora handles ... Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic

[Agora Deposit] Q 6:5: Collapsed Cistern at Q/9-6/9.

Layer 7 in South Peristyle of court of Roman House Ε. Irregular cutting in bedrock with sand, gravel, fallen bedrock. Some burning ... 275-250 B.C.