"Id","Chronology","Type","Collection","UserLevel","Name","Title","Date","Icon" "Agora:Lot:ΞΞ 161","1st Half 4th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","ΞΞ 161","A Pit where Fill is Similar to the Immediately Preceding; Pit 1","2 May 1940","" "Agora:Lot:Ω 140","Late 5th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","Ω 140","Ancient Street in Western Half of Section","25 February 1938","" "Agora:Lot:Ω 141","Late 5th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","Ω 141","Ancient Street in Western Half of Section","25 February 1938","" "Agora:Lot:Ω 142","Late 5th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","Ω 142","Ancient Street in Western Half of Section","25 February 1938","" "Agora:Lot:Ω 143","Late 5th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","Ω 143","Ancient Street in Western Half of Section","25 February 1938","" "Agora:Lot:Σ 710","Late 5th c. B.C. (?)- early 4th c. B.C.","Lot","Agora","","Σ 710","Around Early Rubble House Walls and White Poros Wall; Fill Between Spur Walls","25 May 1951","" "Agora:Lot:ΞΞ 23","5th B.C.","Lot","Agora","","ΞΞ 23","Between House L and Drain; Layer IV South of Wall at 94; Red","29 July 1946","" "Agora:Lot:ΞΞ 13","4th - 1st B.C.","Lot","Agora","","ΞΞ 13","Between House L and Drains; Layer I; Brown Sullan Destruction fill","8-9 August 1946",""