
[Agora Deposit] G 12:4: Urn-burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 4 in notebook. Amphora, no other pots but carbonized remains of food offerings. Over urn two stone slabs, on top, mass of small stones containing Late Geometric sherd ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:5: Urn-Burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 5 in notebook. The grave had been somewhat disturbed by the digging of Well B. The hydria lay on its side; in it was found the skeleton of a small child lying on its side with the knees drawn up ... Late 8th-early 7th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:7: Inhumation of a Man

Grave 7 in notebook. Area disturbed in Roman times; outlines of the shaft had been obliterated. The northwest end, however, was preserved in a cutting in the rock of the sloping hillside. This cutting, ... 750-700 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:8: Inhumation of a Woman

Grave 7b in notebook. Inhumation in Tholos Cemetery; The skeleton positioned directly below the male in Grave 7, but with direction reversed, i.e., head at southeast end. Most grave offerings at lower ... 750-725 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:9: Inhumation of a Woman

Grave 8 in notebook. Inhumation in Tholos Cemetery. Length of shaft 1.75m; Width at upper end 0.95m; Depth from cover 0.70m. One end cut into sloping rock. Skeleton of a woman, with head southeast. Most ... 750-725 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:10: Urn-Burial of a Small Child

Urn Burial in Tholos Cemetery. Grave 9 in notebook. Amphora containing bones of a small child. Little pots had been put under its neck ... Late 8th-Early 7th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:14: Urn-Burial of Two Infants

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 13 in notebook. Two skeletons of small children lay in a pithos which had been put on its side; its mouth was stopped by a stone slab. Most offerings were inside the pithos, but two kantharoi and ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:15: Inhumation a Man

Grave 14 in notebook. Length of shaft 2.12m; width 0.46m; depth from cover 0.60m. Man's skeleton stretched NE-SW with head at NE. Offering at foot of shaft, with the skyphos in the mouth of the pitcher ... 750-725 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:19: Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Burned Deposit. A thick deposit of ash, cinders and pottery fragments extending alongside wall of cemetery. Character of pottery like the pyre of F 12:2 ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:24: Inhumation with Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Grave 20 in notebook. Objects recorded in nb. from Grave 21 (earlier and disturbed by Grave 20) are included here. A pyre [using pieces of pots from Grave 21] was probably burned beside grave 20 and some ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:25: Inhumation, Probably of a Man

Grave 21 in notebook. Grave twice disturbed. Of the skeleton only the thigh bones were found. No offerings. Objects listed in nb. as from Grave 21 are taken to be with grave 20 (probably pyre objects) ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 13:13: Pit

Laura Gawlinski ... Circular pit uncovered in Early Building II, south of Room E latrine, adjacent to the preserved latrine floor surface. Continues beneath the latrine surface and the western scarp (unexcavated). Fill relatively ... Late 5th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 12:6: Rubbish Dump

Rubbish Dump in mouth of abandoned well in Tholos Trench F, Kitchen. Filled with ash, charcoal, broken pottery, roof tiles. Also from Trench L. 13 March 2014 by Ann Steiner The deposit has four components ... Ca. 425-400 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 13:6: Well

Laura Gawlinski ... Well in courtyard of Early Building I, adjacent to wall of Room B. Tile lined; upper course in situ, lower two collapsed probably in antiquity. Letters inscribed on rims (eta, phi, omicron, theta). Medium ... First quarter of the 4th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 16:6: Urn Cremation/The Rich Athenian Lady

Gerald V. Lalonde ... Urn cremation (trench-and-hole), adult female with fetus/neonate. One box with burnt animal bones is stored with the skeleton AA 302 in drawer 97. Objects also recorded frm Section ΣΤ. PD 1692, PD 1807 ... Early Geometric II, 850 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 17:2: Pit Tomb, Child Inhumation

Dorothy Burr Thompson ... Child's Grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XXVIII: G). Cf. Container Lot ΣΤ 165 (fill over geometric grave). Neat, rectangular, unlined trench, cut into bedrock to a preserved depth of 0.20m,below the level ... Early Geometric I


[Agora Deposit] I 5:1: Pit Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan Rotroff ... Grave 1. Burial of a child perhaps 6 years old, covered by broken amphora. Skeleton lay extended on its back, oriented N-S, with head at south. No grave gifts. PD 2207 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:2: Cist Τomb, Adult Female Inhumation in ΒΓ

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 2. Adult female inhumation. Grave extending under the south retaining wall of the Temenos of the Royal Stoa. It is oriented ne-sw, with head at sw. Grave built of slabs of schist, with packing of ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:3: Cist Τomb, Adult Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Burial 3 beneath the floor of the Stoa Basileios. It consisted of a rectangular pit cut into bedrock to a depth of 0.44m, lined on all sides and covered with an admixture of narrow stone slabs of soft ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:4: Cist Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 4 under Royal Stoa. Cist Grave cut into bedrock and lined with limestone and schist slabs. There were two layers of cover slabs with a layer of dirt between. Grave measured 0.98x0,25-0,32x0,25-0,30 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean