 LOT 2007MT: fill beneath threshold block in entrance to Middle Terrace, phase 2   
 LOT 2009    
 LOT 2010 25Bothros in Room W of courtyard (late 11th-12th)   
 LOT 2010 34Bothros in room NE of the courtyard (late 11th)   
 LOT 2011MT: Collapse of north wall of Room E (P-Q:26)   
 LOT 2011 020    
 LOT 2011 084    
 LOT 2012MT: Layer under collapse of north wall of Room E and above clay floor in small court to north of E and south of wall 2   
 LOT 2013 034    
 LOT 2014MT: Area H, general fill   
 LOT 2015MT: Area D, general fill   
 LOT 2016MT: general fill over court   
 LOT 2017MT: court north of Room E, general fill   
 LOT 2020LT: fill north of Building M-N:25-26   
 LOT 2021LT: general fill over Building M-N:25-26 north of north wall of rooms 2-3   
 LOT 2022LT: clay layer over grave 1964-3   
 LOT 2023LT: Building M-N:25-26, fill behind north wall   
 LOT 2024LT: Building M-N:25-26, phase 2, fill against north wall, packing for north couch of eastern room   
 LOT 2025MT: Area G, fill over floor   
 LOT 2027LT: Building M-N:25-26, general fill in room 2 behind north wall 99   
 LOT 2028LT: Building M-N:25-26, clay plaster (?) along west couch wall, phase 1 (wall 85)   
 LOT 2029LT: Building M-N:25-26, Room 2, general fill   
 LOT 2030LT: Building M-N:25-26, Room 2, general fill   
 LOT 2031LT: Surface to bedrock over center Building N:28   
 LOT 2032LT: Building N:28, Room 1, fill over bedrock   
 LOT 2033LT: Building N:28, fill over west wall (28)   
 LOT 2034LT: Building N:28, Room 1, tile layer   
 LOT 2035MT: Fill over bedrock east of Area G   
 LOT 2036MT: Small court north of Room E, floor 1   
 LOT 2037MT: Small court north of Room E, fill under floor?   
 LOT 2038MT: Surface to bedrock over quarry   
 LOT 2039MT: Small court north of Room E, removal of floor 2   
 LOT 2040MT: Foundation trench, Archaic terrace wall 2, north of Room E   
 LOT 2041MT: General fill   
 LOT 2042MT: North Corridor: removal of floor   
 LOT 2046MT: North corridor: fill over floor, north of wall 2   
 LOT 2049MF: North corridor, east end, general fill   
 LOT 2051LT: general fill east of Building N-O:25-26   
 LOT 2052UT: Black earth deposit   
 LOT 2055LT: Removal of 'wall 31' east of Building N-O:25-26