[Corinth Basket] NB163 P167: Pit at N:O:21:23

163 167 NB163 P166 Continue digging the eastern end of the pit from 0.00 to -0.90 below stereo- nearly to the bottom. The fill was grayish brown mixed with ashes. From the upper part came many pieces of ... 1937/06/10

[Corinth Basket] NB163 P171

Deposit 163 171 Pit at N-O:21-23 Context description on p. 170 which also notes 10 coins were found, 1 saved (Jason I), also 4 boxes and 4 tins (?) of sherds. Finds from pit continue on p. 172 which include ... 1937/06/11

[Corinth Basket] NB168 P133

168 133 From removal of earth and stones of Room C and Room D side walls Room C and Room D side walls. Deposit ... 1937/06/11