[Corinth Basket] NB184 P114

Deposit 184 114 NB184 P114 Well at K:23 Excavation date uncertain ... 1939/05/23

[Corinth Basket] NB184 P133

184 133 NB184 P133 ... 1939/05/24

[Corinth Basket] Museum west, Fill: Fill

Deposit NB (SSW) P114 Fill ... Late Neolithic to Early Helladic


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 61 (pp. 111 - 112)

111 112 Pg. 111, Well 1939 1, 22/5/1939, MF 8477, Terracotta figurine, seated female Pg. 111, Well 1939 1, 22/5/1939, MF 8496, Bone object Pg. 112, Area I, 22/5/1939, MF 13158, EH hearth rim fragment Pg ... 22/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 62 (pp. 113 - 114)

113 114 Pg. 113, Area I, 23/5/1939, MF 8519, Spindle whorl Pg. 113, Area I, 23/5/1939, MF 8532, Obsidian flake Pg. 113, Area I, 23/5/1939, MF 8533, Obsidian flake Pg. 113, Area I, 23/5/1939, MF 8560, Obsidian ... 23/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 63 (pp. 115 - 116)

115 116 Pg. 115, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 24/5/1939, MF 8562, Obsidian blade Pg. 115, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 24/5/1939, MF 8563, Obsidian blade Pg. 115, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 24/5/1939, MF 8516, Spindle whorl ... 24/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 64 (pp. 117 - 118)

117 118 Pg. 117, Area V (cont.), 24/5/1939, C 1939 348, sherds Pg. 117, Area V (cont.), 24/5/1939, MF 8552, Fragment of terracotta figurine ... 24/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 65 (pp. 119 - 120)

119 120 Pg. 119, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 25/5/1939, MF 8521, Fragment of stone pyxis Pg. 120, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 25/5/1939, MF 8522, EH awl? Pg. 120, Trench at G-K: 15-26, 25/5/1939, MF 8564, Obsidian ... 25/5/1939