
[Corinth Object] I 2067a: LATIN INSCRIPTION

Thick marble slab with inscription with plain sides, moulding on rear face near bottom, letters poorly to fairly well cut. From thinner slab belong I-308, I-647, and I-2067B; from thicker slab belong I-568, ... according to Corinth 8.3



Marble slab with inscription of equeastrain cursus in descending order. Late 1st or early 2nd c. inscribed. Three lines in Latin. Coarse-grained white marble. Fragment. Single frgt., broken on all sides ... late 1st or early 2nd c. based on letter forms, according to Corinth 8.3


[Corinth Object] C 1937 674: SGRAFFITTO PLATE

Plate with slightly flaring ring foot, shallow body flat in center, thickening as it nearly slightly upturned lip. Slip over all. On floor, small central medallion with 8-armed cross on incised ground; ... Late Byzantine


[Corinth Object] C 1937 676: SGRAFFITO PLATE

Plate with vertical ring foot, flat narrow resting surface, flat undersurface. Shallow wide-flaring body with convex profile to oblique qound lip. White slip over interior and over lip. Incised on floor: ... Late Byzantine

[Corinth Object] MF 6507: TWELVE SMALL BRONZE PINS

Twelve small bronze pins with circular shafts tapering to a sharp point at at least one end. Some have two sharp ends, some one sharp, one blunt end. Bronze Complete or intact. Intact. Some slightly corroded ... 1937/03/31


[Corinth Object] MOS 1937 1: PEBBLE FLOOR

Fragment of pebble floor. Outer border of various colored pebbles set far apart and in haphazard fashion. Inner border: band of white. Field: two griffons attacking a horse; white figures on gray-blue ... 1937/03/29


[Agora Object] AP 867: Red Figure Sherd

Head of woman. Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 3. 123 ... 29 March 1937


[Agora Object] AP 1360: Matt Painted Sherd

Coarse buff clay; black matt on buff ground; middle Helladic. Hazel D. Hansen, Nb. No. 16. 57 ... 29 March 1937