[Corinth Basket] NB508 P33

Deposit 508 33 NB508 P033 P035 B039 B044B Lot thrown Lot XXXX-7079 Joins: NB508 P034 B043 P044 B065 Lot XXXX-7079 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II; surface cleaning ... 1971/07/07;1971/07/12


[Corinth Basket] NB512 B214 P37

Basket/zembil 512 214 37 NB512 P037 B214 P221 B221 Lot XXXX-7079 NB512 P037 B214 NB517 P063 B067 Lot XXXX-7079 512.037 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II Pottery deposit in drain east of Building ... 1971/05/13;1971/05/17

[Corinth Basket] NB512 B219 P44

Basket/zembil 512 219 44 NB512 P044 B219 P037 B214 NB506 P153 B162 P160 B167 Lot XXXX-7079 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II ... 1971/05/13;1971/06/04

[Corinth Basket] NB512 P15

Deposit 512 15 NB512 P015 Lot XXXX-7079 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II ... 1971/05/10

[Corinth Basket] NB512 P43

Deposit 512 43 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II NB512 P043 P048 B219 B222 NB506 P155 P160 B163 B167 Lot XXXX-7079 ... 1971/05/14;1971/06/04

[Corinth Basket] NB513

Deposit 513 Lot XXXX-6847 Lot 6847 NB513 Lot XXXX-6828 Good finds from discarded baskets (1971 burnt notebooks), area of Buildings L-M:28 to M-N:20-26, Room 4 Miscellaneous finds from discarded baskets ... contexts Archaic to Roman


[Corinth Basket] NB513_2 B5 P70: Room Da

Basket/zembil 513_2 5 70 ... 1971/05/07