[Agora Deposit] D 11:4.1: Upper fill

Coins: 29 February 1936 #3 2 March 1936 #1 3 March 1936 #7 5 March 1936 #4-#5 6 March 1936 #1-#3 ... 29 February-6 March 1936

[Agora Deposit] D 11:4.2: Middle fill

Brown earth with occasiional small stones, quite distinct from upper and lower fills. Pottery mostly Hellenistic with an occasional late Roman sherd scattered through it at all levels. [nbp. 3112] Coins: ... Mostly 1st c. with some Roman.

[Agora Deposit] D 12:2: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. The filling of the 46/ΙΑ cistern shaft, with the exception of a little Roman at the top, was the same as the bottom fill of 44/ΙΓ - late Hellenistic, running ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.