[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2007 by Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, Kris Lorenzo (2007-04-09 to 2007-04-27): Pre-Early Modern to Modern Strata in the Southern End of Nezi Field

INTRODUCTION In the past three weeks, we, Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, and Kris Lorenzo, opened an area at the extreme north of the Nezi field under the supervision of Director of Excavation Guy Sanders ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Nezi Field

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2007 by Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, Kris Lorenzo (2007-04-09 to 2007-05-18): Frankish to Modern Strata in the Southern End of Nezi Field

EXCAVATION SUMMARY Six weeks ago, on April 10, 2007, we, Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, and Kris Lorenzo, opened an excavation area at the extreme north of the Nezi field under the supervision of Guy Sanders, ... Frankish to Modern Strata in the Southern End of Nezi Field

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Alexis Belis, Christina Gieske (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-26): Early Modern and Modern contexts in the extension of the Nezi Field excavation

EXCAVATION SUMMARY We, Alexis Belis and Christina Gieske, from April 7-26, 2008, began excavation in the northwest area of Nezi Field that was located west of the 2007 Nezi Field excavations. Our portion ... Nezi Field, context 242 ... Nezi Field, context 235 ... Nezi Field, context 243

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2010 by Johanna Best; Kelcy Sagstetter (2010-05-04 to 2010-05-21): Session Two 2010 Yellow Team Report

Yellow Second Session Report (Johanna Best and Kelcy Sagstetter) 2010 North of Nezi The following summarizes the results of excavation in the area directly north of the Byzantine House excavated in 1961, ... Nezi Field, context 7014 ... Nezi Field, context 7017 ... Nezi Field, context 7022

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2012 by Larkin Kennedy, Angele Rosenberg-Dimitracopoulou (2012-04-03 to 2012-04-20): Excavations of Nezi Field, SW area, Session 1 2012

The room bounded by wall 366 and robbing trench 497 to the north (1006.00 N), wall 365 to the south (1002.10 N), and walls 332 to the east (262.07 E) and wall 306 to the west (258.01 E) was excavated between ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Nezi Field

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Jody Cundy and Megan Thompsen (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13): 1961 Byzantine House, Courtyard and Surrounding Rooms at Modern through Late Byzantine Levels

The following is a summary of excavations in three areas in North of Nezi: the courtyard of a Byzantine house, the room north of the courtyard, a room south west of the courtyard and a suite of rooms south ... structure context 5864) produced ... contexts 5780 and 5847 ... encountered a hard surface at 84.46

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2013 by Katherine Harrington, Jana Mokrišová (2013-05-09 to 2007-05-24): 2013 Session 1, TeamBlue, Final Summary

Katherine Harrington, Jana Mokrišová Team Blue, Session 1 Nezi Field Excavations N: 1017.20 N, S: 1006.90 N, E: 263.50 E, W: 255.50 E 1-25 April, 2013 This is the final summary of the first session of ... Nezi Field

[Corinth Report] New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to 2016-08-13): Final Report on the Excavations for the ASCSA’s New Apotheke

This excavation was undertaken from May 30-August 13, 2016 in the area of the planned new apotheke of the ASCSA’s Corinth Excavations. As the excavation permit requires, the primary objective was to reach ... New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to