[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 6474: Well, twenty-fourth fill from top

Deposit 1103 6474 0 Lot 2009-088 70% inclusions - tabular/rounded, rounded spherical, rounded platy (0.15-0.32m) boulders and cobbles, many roof tiles, base-ball sized and less chunks of compact dark grey ... 1270-1280 ... Nezi Field

[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 6483: Well, twenty-fifth fill from top

Deposit 1103 6483 0 Lot 2009-088 20% tile, large and small bones, pottery, boulders Top slope of the context is level. The soil color is very dark greenish brown. The soil compaction is soft. The soil ... 3/4 13th century ... Nezi Field