[Agora Object] ST 356: Basin Fragment

Part of wall and one lug handle (or unfinished spout?) preserved. Inside unfinished; only roughly hollowed. Pentelic marble. Well; fill 7. 2nd. century (?). Leica, XXXIX-13 ... 19 July 1946

[Agora Object] ST 358: Basin Fragment

Full profile preserved. Flat bottom; spout of which channelling has just been begun; voluted decoration on outside below spout; inside roughly hollowed, unfinished. Pentelic marble. Well, dump. Leica, ... 20 July 1946

[Agora Object] T 2300: Filling Hole Cover

First interpretation: satyr mask. Slave mask in high relief, with pierced grooved handle (like Roman lamp handles) above. Traces of metallic black glaze almost entirely peeled off. Gray clay. Well, dump, ... 24 July 1946

[Agora Object] W 27: Pulley Wheel

Circular wheel with a square cutting through the center. Outer face grooved for, and worn by, rope. Well, fill 8. Leica ... 17 July 1946